Justice ordered Macri to provide public information on the agreement with the IMF


Chamber III of the Federal Administrative Contentious Chamber He ordered the executive power to give the public information on the agreement with the IMF.

The decision is inscribed in the context of a case initiated by Eduardo Codianni, member of the Center for Studies on Financial Integration (CINFIN).

Codianni has gone to court to obtain information about our country's credit with the IMF, but its administrative request to the executive has received an incomplete response.

The file was filed in the Federal Administrative Court No. 10, subrogated by the judge Esteban Furnari, who rejected the claim, arguing that the executive had responded to Codianni's request and asked for it.

The decision was appealed and dropped in Room III of the Federal Administrative Contentious Chamber, which asked the prosecutor Cuesta to give him his opinion on the matter. He stated that the sentence rejecting Codianni's application should be set aside. Now, the judges have admitted the call and they ordered the national government to provide the information requested by Eduardo Codianni.

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