Justice ordered the Macri government to provide debt information to the IMF


The judgment bearing the signature of the judges Jorge Argento, Sergio Fernández and Carlos Grecco, it occurs as part of the case engaged by Eduardo Codianni, a member of the Center for Financial Integration Studies (Cinfin), who had to go to court to have access to information on the credit agreed in 2018 with the IMF and its extension a few months later. Codianni had to appear in court after his administrative application to the national government received a vague and incomplete answer.

As reported Thursday Palabrasdelderecho.com, the file was filed in the Federal Administrative Court No. 10, subrogated by the judge Esteban Furnari, who rejected the request because he understood that the executive had responded to Codianni's request and requested it.

The decision was appealed and fell in Room III of the Federal Administrative Contentious Chamber, which asked the prosecutor to give his opinion. Rodrigo Cuesta on the subject that He advised revoking the trial judgment.

The Prosecutor suggested to the Court to order the distribution of this statement submit to the actor, in paper and digital form, "the administrative acts for which it was decided to take the credits, the clauses of extension of jurisdiction and the copy of the agreement signed between the parties".

At present, the judges have allowed the appeal and ordered the national government to provide the information requested by Codianni. All this in the context of complaints of failure to comply with administrative and judicial procedures in the context of debt registration with the IMF of our country.


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