Justice wants Vladimir Putin says he's given him the letter from San Martin to Cristina Kirchner


Justice wants to check if indeed the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, gave him a gift Cristina Kirchner the handwritten letter that General Don José of San Martín sent to Bernardo O. Higgins and that the federal police had been kidnapped at his home in El Calafate during a search ordered by Judge Claudio Bonadio.

The prosecutor in charge of the case, Alejandra Mangano, ordered further measures, including a consultation through the Foreign Ministry to check if the statements of Cristina Kirchner on page 14 of her book, "Sincerely"They are true." In this part of the writing, the former president said that Putin had handed him the historical document during a visit to this country in 2015 and that the letter had been acquired in New York specifically for her. For the discovery of this letter and the registration of Hipólito Yrigoyen, Bonadio was sued for "concealment, destruction or illegal export of historical documents".

Cristina Kirchner, during an official visit to Russia in 2015. Credits: EFE.
Cristina Kirchner, during an official visit to Russia in 2015. Credits: EFE.

As you may have known TN.com.ar from judicial sources, Mangano not only seeks to confirm that Putin delivered the letter, but know how he got itthat is, if he actually bought it in New York and to whom. Does not justice rule out that the role crossed the black market for years. The trial measures ordered by the prosecutor come after the hearing of Judge Bonadio so that the case is subject to an oral and public trial, but the judicial officer decided to verify this issue before doing so.

Mangano also asked an interdisciplinary team to check whether the letter is an original text, a draft or other type of writing and asked the federal police for information on the digitization of "historical records", among which: that of Hipólito Yrigoyen.

L & # 39; s history

The appearance of historical documents in the house of Cristina Kirchner in El Calafate prompted a new investigation and this led to its first conclusion: the letter of San Martín It was stolen from the Vicuña Mackenna archives in Chile during a move in 1981.. The authorities of the national archives of this country have verified the information and transmitted it to the Argentine justice system.

A survey of TN.com.ar determined that the document remained in this file at least until 1960. The authorities of the neighboring country found a transcript of the letter written during those years stating that the document had remained there for at least 20 years before his loss. trace

The transcription:

The transcription of the letter. An error was made when entering the date: it was not sent on December 20, 1835, but the 26. Credits: TN.com.ar.
The transcription of the letter. An error was made when entering the date: it was not sent on December 20, 1835, but the 26. Credits: TN.com.ar.

The volume "lost" is the number nine and is part of the file that the National Library of Chile bought to the widow of Mackenna, Mrs. Victoria Subercaseaux, by Decree No. 1271 of April 26, 1887. In this sense, another The possibility , which works less, is that the widow of Mackenna lost the letter before being acquired by the National Library.

However, specialists understand that the type of paper of the letter found in the house of Cristina Kirchner, its wear and the ink tone It is identical to the writings of the General Archives of Chile. So we think they were part of the same volume for decades.

The letter from San Martin to O. Higgins was found in a brown leather case meant to house this manuscript: it was the same size as the leaves, which stood between two pressed acrylics. It makes the justice believe that the document he crossed the black market for yearsuntil landing at Cristina. What was your route? It is unknown, although in recent weeks, clues have been added: before arriving at El Calafate he pbaded through New York and Russia. Or at least it tries to prove that justice is done.


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