Justicia Legítima asked the state to support Judge Ramos Padilla in the case against Stornelli and D'Alessio – Perfil.com


  1. Justicia Legítima asked the state to support Judge Ramos Padilla in the case against Stornelli and D'Alessio Perfil.com.
  2. Garavano: Ramos Padilla's performance seems to be driven by political goals LA NACION
  3. Forbidden to investigate | Mauricio Macri wants to expel Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla Page 12
  4. Let's change so that Ramos Padilla is not in charge of elections and negotiates alternatives. Infocielo
  5. They come back to the Stornelli question in case of extortion and espionage Lmneuquen.com
  6. See full coverage in Google News
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