Justina law passed: all adults are organ donors unless they have opposed in life – 04/07/2018


The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved the project "Justina Law", which marks a before and after in the donation of organs in Argentina. From this law, the executive is required to regulate … All persons are organ donors, unless they have expressed their contrary wishes.

The law was approved by 202 votes in favor, with no abstentions . It was the end of a moving session, which ended with the applause of all the deputies standing

The bill, by Senator Juan Carlos Marino, had been approved unanimously in the Senate on May 30th. In plenary, it does not need discussion. With full consent, the law that adopted the name of Justina Lo Cane the 12-year-old daughter who died last year, November 22, because she did not not received a cardiac transplant in time, was voted. As in the Senate, the parents of Justina, Ezequiel and Paola, also their brothers and grandparents, followed all the alternatives, present in the room – with Senator Marino – with deep emotion.

  The parents and grandparents of Justina Lo Cane, present at the session. (Juan Manuel Foglia)

The parents and grandparents of Justina Lo Cane, present at the session. (Juan Manuel Foglia)

The new law regulates activities related to the procurement and use of organs, tissues and cells of human origin in Argentina. It provides that health facilities licensed to perform transplants have donation services that will detect, badess and treat the donor.

There are about 10,500 people in Argentina waiting for a transplant, He stood out during the debate. And only give up to now, 13 people per million inhabitants.

The law, which modifies previous regulations, establishes the cross donation in the case of a kidney transplant (with living donor). It also states that the removal of organs and / or tissues may be performed, to any person over 18 years of age who has not expressed express opposition to that after his death the extraction is made

The speeches were emotional on the scene and even dramatic personal situations appeared, like that of the Peronist deputy of Salta, Pablo Kosiner. "Sometimes, in politics, it is not advisable to self-refer, but in this case, it is to clarify. Those of us who have lost a son usually speak in the present, this law could also be called the law Juan Pablo I lost Juan Pablo in 2011 waiting for a transplant at the Italian hospital. I never imagined that the circumstances of life would lead me to this situation.The challenge of this law is the presumption of donation.I could be there, "Kosiner pointed to the box," and share a place with Graciela, my wife , with Paola and Ezequiel ", she told Justina's parents. Juan Pablo Kosiner was 16 years old when he died .

  MP Pablo Kosiner shows a photo of his son, Juan Pablo, who died at the age of 16 while waiting for a transplant. (Juan Manuel Foglia)

MP Pablo Kosiner shows a photo of his son, Juan Pablo, who died at the age of 16 while waiting for a transplant. (Juan Manuel Foglia)

MP Daniel Lipovetzky also said that shared the hospitalization of his son with Justina and in this anguish he met his parents. "Today, we fulfill the popular mandate of pbading laws to improve the quality of life of Argentines," said Lipovetzky, who mentioned a dozen projects in the same direction, including one by Kosiner himself, considered included in that of the Senate. Then, the head of the Health Commission, Carmen Polledo, pointed out that "this law brings us a paradigm shift " into the gift in the country.

Radical Gabriela Burgos was excited The box where Justina's parents were: "I congratulate you, thank you for your efforts and your work," he said enthusiastically. In his speech, he stated that 7,738 people urgently needed a transplant according to the Incucai to "save his life at this time"; and "only 6.41% is a donor, whom the law tries to overthrow". Nearly 6 thousand are waiting for a kidney transplant, the most common request. The total number of 10,500 is reached with those waiting for a cornea transplant

  Celebrations after the vote on the project "Justina Law"

Celebrations after the vote on the project "Justina Law".

María Fernanda Raverta of the Front for Victory supported the support of this group. He recalled that "in 1993 the first law was promulgated and that in 2005 the figure of the presumed donor was included, among other advances. "With Justina, we can not find the heart in time.This law will find an answer to a party, find donors, but this is not enough.We must have public policies, that the State agrees with a budget. "

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