Kabul Airport: Joe Biden warns that another terrorist attack is “very likely” in the coming hours | He stressed that the situation is “extremely dangerous”


The president of the United States, Joe biden, warned this Saturday that “it is very likely” that a new terrorist attack will be recorded at the airport of Acceptance, capital of Afghanistan, within the next 24 to 36 hours.

“The situation on the site remains extremely dangerous and the threat of a terrorist attack at the airport remains high“the president wrote in a statement after meeting with his military and security advisers.

From the North American country, they issued a statement which revealed “that military commanders have informed him that it is likely that there will be another attack on troops and civilians in the next 24 to 36 hours. “

This Thursday an explosion was recorded in the vicinity of Kabul, caused by a suicide bombing committed by members of the Islamic State, which killed 170 Afghans and 13 American soldiers.

Biden reiterated the mission to evacuate civilians and allies before August 31 continues and it will not be affected by the new security measures taken “despite the dangerous situation in Kabul”.

The United States has been on high alert since Thursday’s attack because of information on credible threats against its troops in Afghanistan. For its part, the Pentagon has said that there are still “very real” and “very dynamic” threats against troops in Kabul.

Previously, the US government confirmed that the drone attack on the Taliban on Friday executed two ISIS operatives and injured another, leaving no civilians affected.

The Taliban on Saturday gave all former government officials deposed in Kabul a “week” deadline to hand over public service goods and weapons in signifying further advance of the Islamic regime after seizure of power and hours of the final insurrection withdrawal of international troops.

On August 15, the leaders of the fundamentalist movement seized power, although they ordered the insurgents not to enter the homes of public officials or seize state property.


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