Kathy Hochul Becomes New York’s First Governor | After the resignation of Andrew Cuomo, denounced for sexual harassment


Kathy hochul assumed as governor of the New York State and became the first woman to hold this position. Democratic politics were sworn in on Tuesday to replace Andrew Cuomo, who resigned two weeks ago after being reported for sexual harassment.

“I am honored to have been officially sworn in to be the 57th governor of New York,” wrote Hochul, who until Monday held the post of lieutenant governor, on his Twitter account.

This Tuesday morning, Hochul delivered her first speech as governor in which she said: “Last night I spoke with President (Joe) Biden on various issues, he expressed his full support. I thanked him for the help we received in dealing with the effects of (Hurricane) Henri and will continue to monitor the situation. “

Hochul will rule New York State until the 2022 election, even if He has already slipped his intention to run in the next election.

“I am the person most prepared to take on this responsibility and I will ask voters to trust me again.”, he assured in the middle of the month in an interview with the NBC network.

Cuomo, who has declared his support for his successor, was forced to resign after serving as governor for ten years after more than a dozen women filed sexual harassment complaints.

Although Cuomo denied the allegations, New York Attorney General Letitia James presented a 165-page report in which she not only confirmed the testimony of 11 women, concluding that “Andrew Cuomo violated federal and state laws” and that “these were not isolated incidents but a role modelHe also verified the intimidation efforts of his team to instill a culture of fear and also to discredit the voices of the victims.

In his farewell speech, the former governor blamed James, politicians and the press for his downfall. “When the government politicizes the charges and the headlines convict without facts, the justice system is undermined, and it does not serve women, men or society,” she said.


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