Kawhi Leonard still wants to play in Los Angeles, not in Toronto


Normally I do not rely on Cree Carter or "First Things First" for info on the NBA, but in this case, the Fox Sports host seems to have some access to the attacker's San Antonio Spurs Kawhi Leonard. On Friday, during a discussion on a sportsbook site, the Toronto Raptors were the favorites of the draw last summer. Nugget:

"Nothing has changed on Kawhi's side.He still wants to go to Los Angeles and he's still not interested in being hired for a season – be it Philly, Boston, Toronto or any other team. " @criscarter80 reports after speaking at Kawhi night camp pic.twitter.com/3Sk3fVy8Xx

– The first things first (@ FTFonFS1) July 13, 2018

"Nothing has changed on Kawhi's side of these views: He still wants to go to Los Angeles and he's still not interested in being rented for a season, whether it's Philadelphia, Boston, Toronto or any other team … San Antonio has been in touch with Kawhi and his people, and they've told them that if something became real, very close, we would keep you away, and it is in their best interest and smart to reach it, and generally the l Another team involved in trading would receive permission to reach the player who is traded. things happened yesterday.

Cree Carter knows a lot about Kawhi Leonard

Carter knew that Leonard was in Las Vegas on Thursday night and was no longer there on Friday morning. He also knew that Leonard's camp was planning to issue a press release to refute the Raptor reports. This after Carter got acquainted with the intimate details of Leonard's conversation with Spurs coach Gregg Popovich:

"Kawhi, meeting Pop, Pop gave him all the directions that he was going to have." 39, exchanging and that he was going to try to make Kawhi happy "Carter reported on Tuesday. "I never said that before, because I was holding it till now, so all those discussions about Kawhi going to the East, I think Popovich is trying to. to accommodate Kawhi and try to please him. "

Carter seems to know a great deal about Leonard's whereabouts after a year in which it was difficult to find the defensive player's reflection process twice. year. Leonard has missed all but nine games this season with a mysterious hamstring injury, the treatment of which has caused a break between a Spurs organization that allows him to play and his own advisors who do not [19659009HowaformerNFLplayerknowsabouttheplayoffsifLeonardwouldbeallowedtoplayPopovichtoldreporters"YouwillhavetoaskKawhiandhisgroupthisquestion"ShortlyafterRamonaShelburneandESPNofESPNMichaelCWrightreportedthatthe"group"inquestionincludedLeonard'suncleDennisRobertsonandagentMitchFrankelandthattheyhelpedtowidenthegapbetweenKawhiandtheSpurs

Frankel was a football agent before Basketball with Leonard – a move that left Impact Sports, the agency he co-founded, into mbadive and possibly even abandoned debt, according to ESPN. And, as you may have guessed, Frankel represented Carter during his playing years.

There are always two sides to a story

It's important to consider when Carter reports news from Camp Leonard. It may not have the same glimpse of Spurs, who may ignore Leonard's willingness to play in Los Angeles if they find an agreement with the Raptors or the 76ers or any other team eager to offer them the best trade. Spurs does not help that a sports talk show host relays Leonard's wishes to play in Los Angeles this year or next to a national audience, because no team in outside of Southern California will offer a lot of value knowing that Leonard does not intend to sign When he will become an unrestricted free agent in 2019. Then the only hope for the Spurs to get something close to a return just for one of the best players in the game when they are in good health, is to get the Lakers and Clippers. ] <p clbad = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = " – – – – – – – [19659014] "data-reactid =" 41 "> – – – – – – –

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