"Ken human" is about to run out of his nose and may end up with a hole in his face | Chronic


Rodrigo AlvesThe Brazilian, who has become famous for having resembled Barbie's boyfriend after several surgeries, is going through a difficult period after the doctors informed him that his nose had collapsed after 11 surgeries aimed at repairing previous interventions having failed.

The 36-year-old said experts told him that he might end up with a hole in his face at the nose. "I'm afraid doctors can not fix my nose permanently "Rodrigo said.

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The "human Ken" underwent a risky procedure in order to be able to breathe after his nose started to flow once before, but the doctors warned him that he could keep a hole in his face. He continues to operate.

Rodrigo appeared in the Italian television show Domenica Live this weekend and the presenter, Barbara D'Ursocould not help but notice the current state of his nose.

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She said: "Rodrigo, if you do not mind I'm asking you, what's going on with your nose?"

"It sinks and I'm afraid to undergo another surgery to fix it"he replied


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