Kenyan is the best teacher in the world | Chronic


Teaching in the midst of African deprivation is not easy. But developing the task with the utmost dedication is not an obstacle. That's what it's like Peter Tabichi, a science and math teacher from a remote region of Kenya, who was chosen best teacher of the world. Among the ten finalists, there was an Argentinian.

The prize was awarded by the Global Education & Sills Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, which highlighted Tabichi's work with some 500 children in a remote part of Kenya, facing serious drought and environmental problems. hunger. The prize included a prize of one million dollars.

The 36-year-old teacher teaches at Keriko High School, located in the village of Pwani, in a remote and semi-arid region of the Rift Valley. The community coexists with hunger and drought, 95% of its students live in poverty and nearly a third are orphans or have one father.

"Every day in Africa, we turn the page and open a new chapter.Today is another day.This award does not recognize me but the young people of this great continent, I am here only for what my students have This gives an opportunity, it tells the world that they can do what they want"he said at the ceremony at the luxurious Atlantis Palm.

Among other things, the Varkey Foundation, promoter of the prize, pointed out the reduction in the number of cases of indiscipline thanks to the work of the teacher, which went from 30 to three per week; In addition, his task was essential for more children to pursue higher education and for teenagers, who are still deferred, to obtain better grades than men.


Amid the emotion of Tabichi, the president of his country greeted him through the giant screen installed in the room. "On behalf of all the Kenyans we congratulate you on, you are an example of what the human mind can do for the world, you have chosen to teach in a remote part of Kenya and to transform lives in this situation, You have given me the conviction that the best days of Africa are coming and that your story is going to be an example for the times to come. ", says Uhuru Kenyatta

National pride

Argentina was present at the ceremony Martín Salvettiwho was one of the contenders for the best teacher award in the world. Although he did not manage to retain this distinction, the professor at Temperley's Technical School No. 5 "2 of Abril" was among the top 10. Among the finalists were teachers from Brazil, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Japan, India and Georgia.


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