Key points to consider before buying a drone


Whether it is a work tool or a toy, The purchase of a drone can be a bit complicated because of the wide variety of models that one can acquire in the market. To spend our money wisely, there are some key issues to keep in mind.

How much to spend: It depends on many factors, but especially what we are willing to pay. In general, the higher the price, the greater the benefits of the device are important. So, If what we are looking for is to buy our first drone to learn the basics, it is not necessary that we seek a high-end modelbut something fundamental will eventually meet our needs without touching our pocket.

0520 key questions buy drone

On the contrary, if we want a drone to use it as a working tool, we must be mentalised to invest a good amount. The camera, the quality of the image, the duration of the flight and a better control during the piloting are some of the factors that directly influence the final price. of the product

Time and distance: the most economical models they can fly about ten minutes, so it is always advisable to carry a spare battery. On the other hand, they generally have a control distance of between 50 and 100 meters.

Now, if we opt for a mid-range or high-end UAV, the battery life is between 20 and 30 minutes. In addition, can reach flight altitudes of 500 meters or more.

0520 key questions buy drone

Spare parts: sooner or later, all the drones have to go to the mechanic. Whether by a hard blow or by daily wear and tear, there will come a time when a repair or a change of parts will have to be performed. Most models come with replacement rotorsHowever, before buying, however, it is advisable to know if it is possible to purchase spare parts (and its price) for the model that interests us.

CameraThis is an aspect that needs to be badyzed in depth, always keeping in mind the purpose we are going to give to the device. Most drones include a camera, but All of them do not have the function of transmitting live, which is essential if you want to fly at great heights..

0520 key questions buy drone

Economic models, in general, have a video resolution of up to 720p. If we seek to register, the best is to choose a camera with a resolution of 1080p. In addition, another aspect to consider is storage. The best are those who record the videos on a microSD card.



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