Keys: the 5 biggest challenges of the new president of Mexico – 07/02/2018


Insecurity, corruption and the relationship with Donald Trump are some of the challenges inherited by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the successor of Enrique Peña Nieto, when he took over the presidency of Mexico December 1, 1945 .

Here are the main challenges of the new government:

INSECURITY AND VIOLENCE: The number of homicides in Mexico increased during the term of Peña Nieto (2012-2018) and in 2017 killed more than 29,000 murders, making it the most violent year in two decades, when the recordings began. The majority of victims are attributed to the violence of drug cartels, as part of the war on drug trafficking that began in 2007. Also the number of missing is high ] According to official figures, stands at about 37,000 and there are exceptional cases such as the 43 students of Ayotzinapa missing in 2014 in Guerrero, in the south of the country . This is one of the scandals that marked the current government

  A campaign vehicle of the Senate candidate for the coalition

The candidate's campaign vehicle to the senator by the coalition " Michoacán al Frente "Alma Mireya González Sánchez when she was burned on Tuesday, May 15, 2018, during an event of proselytism. EFE

CORRUPTION: After insecurity, is one of the problems that most worries Mexicans. 59.5% of Mexicans over the age of 18 reported having experienced corruption with the public security (police) authorities in 2017. He also points out that only 17% trust political parties , a figure that is explained by more than 12 former governors arrested or fugitives after being accused of various crimes. Several belonged to or belonged to Peña Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and in 2014 he himself was involved in a scandal of the so-called conflict of interests known as the "White House". ".

  Elections in Mexico: Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, the New First Lady
 Image of a page of the comics

Image of a page of the comic book "The Anti-Corruption Book" from the publisher Ethos in Mexico City (Mexico). Taking as a reference and platform "The Vaquero Book", one of the most popular comics in Mexico, the Ethos Public Policy Lab has launched "The Anticorruption Book", a comic strip that shows the different forms of corruption. EFE

RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNITED STATES: The arrival of Donald Trump at the White House in 2017 has significantly tightened relations with Mexico. The president 's verbal attacks on migrants led to a tightening of their immigration policies and demands against their southern neighbor because, according to him, they allowed the illegal pbadage of foreigners to their borders. The insistence on the construction of a wall over more than 3,000 kilometers of common border as well as the criticism of the presence of cartels and drug trafficking, also provoked the l? indignation and strong reactions from the Mexican government.

  Donald Trump greeted Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the electoral triumph in Mexico
 The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and his counterpart of the United States, Donald Trump. EFE

The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto and his counterpart of the United States, Donald Trump. EFE

TRADE: Mexico is in full renegotiation of the Free Trade Agreement for North America (19459004) (NAFTA or NAFTA) with the United States and Canada, a process that began in August 2017 at the insistence of Trump, who is not satisfied with the agreement in place since 1994. Trade tensions with the United States also have to do with the fact that there is a lot going on. imposition of duties on the importation of aluminum and steel, a measure that Mexico has more tariffs for different US products.

  Carretilleros, at the Abasto Central in Mexico City (Mexico). The poor pay to rent a wheelbarrow and earn their daily meal. EFE

Carretilleros, at the Central of Abasto in Mexico City (Mexico). The poor pay to rent a wheelbarrow and earn their daily meal. EFE

POVERTY: Although Mexico is the fifteenth largest economy in the world and the second largest in Latin America after Brazil, annual economic growth of 2.3% is observed in some sectors as stagnation. According to official figures, more than 53 million Mexicans live in poverty or more than 43% of the population (123 million). To this it is added that the average minimum wage is 88.36 pesos a day (about 4.6 dollars), of the lowest of the region.

Agencia dpa.

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