Khalil Raqqani, one of the most wanted Taliban, led prayers at the main mosque in Kabul


Khalil Haqqani, one of the main Taliban leaders and for whom there is a reward of $ 5 million, was shown in the main mosque in Kabul where he addressed a message to attendees (Twitter)
Khalil Haqqani, one of the main Taliban leaders and for whom there is a reward of $ 5 million, was shown in the main mosque in Kabul where he addressed a message to attendees (Twitter)

Scenes that would have been unthinkable just a week ago continued to unfold on Friday in Acceptance almost as fast as the Taliban went on a rampage Afghanistan. It was in one of them that something happened that not only surprised the participants of one of the main mosques in the Afghan capital, but also affected thousands of kilometers.

Khalil Haqqani, a terrorist leader of one of the Taliban’s most powerful and violent factions, appeared in prayers on Friday, the highlight of Islamic week. Haqqani – believed to be at least 58 years old – is on the terrorist lists of United States and some The United Nations. Along with various members of his family, he now plays a leading role in the new fundamentalist regime of Afghanistan.

Supported by the intelligence service of Pakistan, the Web Haqqani, has long been one of the most effective and violent branches of the Taliban, responsible for kidnap Americans, launch complex suicide bombings and commit targeted assassinations. For many Afghans and foreigners who followed the war, the emergence of Haqqani in the capital was a stark reminder of who runs now Afghanistan.

On top of everything, and to emphasize this point, the Islamist leader appeared with a gun M4 American-made and accompanied by a security team dressed in high-end American clothing that had been supplied to Afghan commandos, according to The New York Times.

Khalil Haqqani, one of the main Taliban leaders at the main mosque in Kabul where he addressed a message to participants (Twitter)
Khalil Haqqani, one of the main Taliban leaders at the main mosque in Kabul where he addressed a message to participants (Twitter)

Our number one priority for Afghanistan is securityThe fundamentalist declared to the crowd which took to the streets. “If there is no security, there is no life. We will provide security, then we will provide economy, commerce, education for men and women. There will be no discrimination”. “People are happy now, because the Taliban brought securitySaid a security guard, who refused to give his name. “But these are only the first days. It depends on how they rule so that the people support them”.

Founded by the Mujahedin Jalaluddin Haqqani At the end of the 1970s, the family network was suspected of having assisted in the escape of Osama Bin Laden by Tora Bora in 2001. Khalil Haqqani is brother of Jalaluddin, and uncle of the deputy chief of the Taliban, Sirajuddin Haqqani. On his head weighs a reward of $ 5 million from Department of Justice from United States.

According to this office of the White House, “In early 2010, Haqqani provided funds to Taliban cells in Logar province, Afghanistan. In 2009, Khalil was one of those responsible for the detention of enemy prisoners captured by the Taliban and the Haqqani network. Khalil received Taliban operations orders from his nephew Sirajuddin Haqqani, who was appointed by the United States in March 2008 under Executive Order 13224. Khalil also acted on behalf of Al Qaeda and has been linked to the Al-Qaeda terrorist operations. In 2002, he deployed men to reinforce elements of al-Qaeda in Paktia province, Afghanistan.”.

Haqqani is on the terrorist lists of United States and some HIM HIM. Has always maintained close ties with the group Al-Qaeda and, along with various members of his family, he now plays a leading role in the new Taliban regime.

Haqqani said he had consulted To contact Abdallah, the president of the National Reconciliation Council of Afghanistan, and with the former president Hamid Karzai. Another nephew of his, Anas Haqqani was part of the recent Taliban diplomatic delegation Qatar and also had direct conversations with Abdallah and Karzai.

After the sermons were over and the crowd dwindled on Friday, Haqqani asked to speak to a newspaper photographer The New York Times who worked in Acceptance. He told her journalists would be safe now that the country was at peace and women would be protected as well. “We have good intentions», He concluded.


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