Kicillof: "Government talks about Mercosur-EU deal to cover problems"


Fierce criticism of the trade agreement with the European bloc, candidate for governorship of the Todos Front in Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, returned to the charge on this trade agreement and pointed out that "The announcement concerning Mercosur and the European Union only aims to cover the country's problems". At the same time, candidate Kirchner also questioned Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal, stating that "Mauricio Macri is taken care of so that he wins the elections and does not take care of the inhabitants of Buenos Aires".

"I was part of the agreement negotiations in the past, but they got bogged down because the offer of the European Union was not satisfactory, they offered us little and asked a lot, but now the governments of Argentina and Brazil have gotten worse " Kicillof said.

S addressing the TN channel, the opposition MP asked "What are you celebrating at Casa Rosada" and he said that the situation of the industry in the province of Buenos Aires "It's already a tragedy" with "a 50% drop in car production since 2015."

"(The agreement) It will be a tragedy, especially for the province of Buenos Aires, they rejected it in France, they rejected it in Ireland and they are the beneficiaries of the l & 39. "What are they celebrating at La Rosada?" he said.

For Kicillof, "the government is in another" and "with the Mercosur agreement, we are only trying to cover the problems" from the country, at the time which indicated: "Vidal takes care of Mauricio Macri so that he wins the elections and does not take care of Buenos Aires".

Curiously, the precandidate Kirchner praised the President of the United States, Donald Trump, noting that "take care of your industry" and noticed: "There are things in his policy that are on the right track, the defense of work and production in his country is good."

Mercosur Agreement – European Union: a 20-year crusade

Kicillof also defended the decision of Cristina Kirchner's government to expropriate 51% of YPF from Repsol in 2012, stating: "The law on the expropriation of YPF has been voted by an overwhelming majority by Congress, except by force of Mauricio Macri. " Finally, he considered that "The only success that the government must show is Vaca Muerta, result of YPF expropriation."

NA / H.B.


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