Kicillof in the United States: "Nobody wants a fault"


National MP Axel Kicillof said the Kirchner "would not pick a flaw" for Argentina and admitted that if this space competes and wins the elections, "we will have to have conversations" to review the news. Agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund. (IMF).

Kicillof spoke today in Washington before badysts and investors at an event hosted by the Wilson Center, a recognized think tank of the United States, which is conducting a policy research project in Washington. Argentina, for which other local politicians such as the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, or the leader of the Renovating Front, Sergio Mbada, have died.

When asked if she would prefer a default in the case of membership in the next government, Mr. Kicillof replied: "Nobody would choose a default, so I ask the government and the IMF not to let the situation of the economy in a situation of financial urgency this year so that we do not have to face urgent and painful dilemmas, "he said in a campaign tone, although he avoided to confirm his candidacy for the governorship of Buenos Aires.

For Kicillof, the current program that Argentina has with the IMF "was not a credit for a country, but a loan to a government and did not fit" because, he warned, the IMF settlement stipulates that the loan finances the countries can not escape the mbadive exits of capital ".

Kicillof, whose presentation can be viewed live, revealed that he had spoken to IMF officials during the previous mission trip to Argentina in March, and that he had told them that according to his vision, the current stabilization plan "It is not designed to improve employment."

"With whom are we going to discuss it?", I asked, "with the next government," they replied, "Of course, we can give this discussion," I told them, "said the economic reference of Kirchnerism.

And, he added: "We did not repudiate the IMF, we paid the full debt and we did not want to have a program because of the packaged programs."

Kicillof was consulted by Venezuela for his candidacy and that of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, as well as for the corruption of the government in which he participated, among others.

In this regard, he stated that in local polls "there is a lot of mistrust of justice", he spoke of "respect for the presumption of innocence" and showed that Former president Luis Lula Da Silva in Brazil "was not even proven remotely that he had a fact of corruption and can not be president because this prisoner".

"I am worried about the rule of law in Argentina," he concluded.


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