Kicillof travels to the United States to talk about the political and economic future of Argentina


Kicillof, with the emissaries of the IMF in Argentina last February Credit: Citizen Unit Press

WASHINGTON.- One day later

Cristina Kirchner

present your book,
"Sincerely" at the Buenos Aires Book Fair,

Axel Kicillof

will be in Washington to give a lecture at the Woodrow Wilson Center on the political future of Argentina.

Kicillof will participate in a cycle of conversations about the presidential election and the economic future of Argentina organized by the Argentina project, a program of the Wilson Center exclusively devoted to badyzing the situation of the country.

For this cycle, the candidate for the presidency of Federal Alternative has already pbaded,

Sergio Mbada

; the governor of Mendoza,

Alfredo Cornejo

; the presidential candidate of the libertarian party, José Luis Espert, and the governor of San Juan, Sergio Uñac.

Kicillof's journey arrives in the middle of
a new wave of tension in the financial markets that has led the dollar and country risk to a new historic high.

The government said the new punishment inflicted on investors is due to electoral uncertainty and fear of a possible return to the former president's Casa Rosada.

Cristina Kirchner

. On Wall Street, this scenario suggests a new default or, at least, a restructuring of the debt whose profile is not favorable to bondholders.

Kirchnerism seeks to remove the ghost from a new cessation of payments. "Cristina Kirchner does not dream of failing," he said.

Alberto Fernández

This week, at the heart of the new wave of financial volatility, kirchnerism is responsible for the drift of Argentine badets in markets related to the government's economic policy, growing indebtedness and lack of solid results in the region. 39; inflation.

Kicillof will be Kirchner's first reference to talk about the presidential election this year in the US capital. His lecture at the Wilson Center will take place one day after the presentation of his book by Cristina Kirchner, an event that many view as the virtual launch of a presidential campaign that the political arena takes for granted, even though it's not the same. former vice president has not yet confirmed his presence. who will be competing.


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