Kills her father with a shovel for having raped her since childhood


Kills her father with a shovel for having raped her since childhood; She was sentenced to nearly a decade in prison after pleading guilty.

The teenage girl who murdered the rapist husband was expelled from prison

Barbara Coombes, a 67-year-old British citizen, was sentenced to nine years in prison. pleaded guilty to beating his father aged 87, with a shovel to death.

The crime was committed in Reddish, Great Manchester County, United Kingdom, in 2006, when the Parricide was 51 years old

According to reports from the British newspaper The Guardian, the attacker attacked her father once she found among her possessions a series of badgraphic photographs in which she appeared with other minors as a child.

The portal says that repressed memories of Coombes' childhood have soared and that's how she began to remember the repeated occasions in which her father was abusing or from her and raped her since she was six years old.

It was then that the abuser took a shovel from the family garden and used it to strike the skull and body of the man before be cut. throat with the cutting edge of the tool to take his life.

After burying the body in the garden the day after the murder, the woman informs the parents that her father is dead. because of a heart attack and that his body had been cremated.

Nearly 12 years later, in January 2018, the inhabitants of Coombes reported it to local authorities because they suspected that the version of their father's death

Before the local police of the Stockport police station, the aggressor confessed to the murder and revealed the place where she had buried the body of her father

Once the confession obtained, redd policemen ish found the Kenneth Coombes' body, right where his daughter had buried him 12 years ago.

At his trial, Coombes said that his father, a veteran of the Second World War, treated him as a " Later, the abuser told the court that his father could have been the father of his first child David, who died shortly after

Barbara Coombes also stated that the abuse continued until the end of the year. age 50 and she never led a normal life with friends, hobbies, stable work or trips outside her city .f, b, e, v, n , t, s)
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