Kim Jong-un answered for the first time the question of a foreign media – 28/02/2019


The North Korean chief, Kim Jong-unhe has answered for the first time to the question of a foreign media, at the beginning of the second day of his summit with the President of the United States, Donald Trumpin Hanoi.

At the end of the introductory meeting of the press meeting, during which the two leaders shared their expectations on the second day of the summit, Washington Post reporter David Nakamura accredited by the White HouseHe asked Kim if he was confident he could make a big deal.

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"It is too early to say (if it will be a success.) But I can not say that for the moment I am pessimistic. I have the impression that a good result will come out "Kim said after listening to the translation of his interpreter.

Kim has been responding to a foreign media for the first time since coming to power. same It may be the first time you answer a question from a journalist, including from your country, where journalists do not ask questions but transcribe their words without asking questions.

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At the last summit held in Singapore last June, Kim appeared in front of a media selection with Trump, but no journalist had the opportunity to answer a question.

The most relaxed atmosphere between the two leaders during this second summit was noted in their relations with the media and gave rise to the Nakamura question and occasional informal exchanges with the press.

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At his dinner this Wednesday with Kim, Trump congratulated New York Times photographer, Doug Mills, who is "one of the best in the world," and today asked for the following: one of the cameras having accepted the meeting, perhaps the same, which will take a good image of the North Korean leader.

However, there were also tensions with White House correspondents, after three agency reporters were prevented from going into dinner between Trump and Kim, shortly after asking two questions that apparently disturbed the American president.

Source: EFE


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