Kim Jong-un regime still fails to communicate with South Korea despite sending conciliatory messages from Pyonyang


North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un

North Korea still does not answer calls made by the South via the telephone line established between the two countries, as confirmed at Efe spokesperson for the Southern Unification Ministry, despite the latest more conciliatory messages sent by Pyonyang in recent days.

“North Korea still has not responded to our call we made at 9:00 a.m. (0:00 GMT)”explained the spokesperson of the said ministry, in charge of relations with the North.

The South normally makes two calls a day through the military link phone line, but North Korea has not responded since it decided to cut communications in August to protest maneuvers in South Korean territory between Seoul. and Washington., which Pyongyang sees as a test to invade its territory.

As of the following weeks, the tension mounts in the peninsula.

First, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported in late August that the North Korean regime has reactivated nuclear facilities to obtain fuel that can be used in bombs and last week North Korea tested several missiles.

To these latest weapons tests, the South responded by testing a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) and announcing several important military developments that testify to a further escalation of armaments on the peninsula.

North Korea resumed operation of its nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities this year, according to a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which qualifies these activities as "deeply disturbing".
North Korea has resumed operation of its nuclear reactor and nuclear fuel reprocessing facilities this year, according to a report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which describes these activities as “of deep concern. “.

However, On Friday and Saturday, leader Kim Jong-un’s sister Kim Yo-yong released two somewhat more conciliatory statements in which she urged Seoul and Washington to improve their rhetoric towards Pyonyang if they wanted to advance the dialogue on the peninsula.

These messages make analysts think about the possibility that North Korea wants to initiate a rapprochement.

In contrast, Pyonyang, which has hermetically closed its borders to isolate itself from the pandemic, has so far ignored repeated and insistent proposals from Washington to resume dialogue on denuclearization, which has stalled since 2019.

North Korea is holding a session of its parliament, the Supreme People’s Assembly tomorrow, from which it is believed a diplomatic message could come out.

(With information from EFE)


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