Kim Jong-un’s before and after and speculation about his health


This combination of archive photos provided by the North Korean regime shows dictator Kim Jong-un during Workers Party meetings in Pyongyang on February 8, 2021 (left) and June 15.  He is believed to have lost between 10 and 20 pounds in recent weeks (AP)
This combination of archive photos provided by the North Korean regime shows dictator Kim Jong-un during Workers Party meetings in Pyongyang on February 8, 2021 (left) and June 15. He is believed to have lost between 10 and 20 pounds in recent weeks (AP)

The health of the North Korean dictator Kim jong un has long been a source of morbid fascination for the rival South Korea, who lives next to the shadow of the North Korean army of 1.2 million soldiers and their growing and disturbing arsenal of nuclear missiles. Have you gained weight? Do you have trouble breathing after relatively short walks? And this cane? Why did you miss this important state anniversary? Often repeated questions from across the parallel 38.

Now the speculations on South Korea around the 37-year-old leader of the Pyongyang regime are due to his visibly slimmer appearance.

Kim’s health is important to Seoul, Washington, Tokyo and other capitals of the world because it has not publicly named the successor who – in the event of incapacity or death – would be in charge of a growing nuclear program targeting the United States and its allies. North Koreastill sealed off from the inner workings of his ruling leadership, he withdrew again last year to protect himself against Coronavirus pandemic.

In the last photos state media, including those published on Wednesday, Kim seemed to have lost a lot of weight. The strap of your the luxury watch is tighter and her face looks slimmer. Some observers point out that the dictator – who is around 170 centimeters and previously weighed around 140 kilograms – could have lost between 10 and 20 kilograms.

It is more likely that your apparent weight loss is an attempt to improve your health rather than a sign of illness, according to Hong Min, senior analyst at Korean National Unification Institute, in Seoul.

If he had had any health problems, he would not have gone out in public to meet the plenary session of the Workers’ Party Central Committee”, A large political conference which takes place this week and which should last two or three days, he specified. Hong.

Kim -Known for its heavy drinking and tobacco – comes from a family with a history of heart problems. His father and grandfather, who reigned North Korea Before him, they died of heart problems. Experts have pointed out that your weight could increase your risk for cardiovascular disease.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in a meeting with senior officials of the North Korean Workers' Party (WPK) Central Committee and provincial Party committees in Pyongyang (Reuters)
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in a meeting with senior officials of the North Korean Workers’ Party (WPK) Central Committee and provincial Party committees in Pyongyang (Reuters)

the Ministry of Unification of South Korea had no information to share about the health of Kim. His slimmer appearance has garnered a lot of interest in the democratic country, where media are comparing photos of the president’s past and current public appearances.

Seo Yu-Seok, of Institute of North Korean Studies, situated at Seoul, noted that the recent creation of a first secretariat of the Workers Party, which would be the second post by category in the government, could be linked to possible health problems of Kim. The dictator could have authorized the creation of the post following requests from senior officials, although he has yet to appoint anyone to the post as it could undermine his position of power.

If Kim has a real health problem and is in a state where he cannot express his opinions, even if he is not deceased, who will make the decision to appoint the first secretary?“, He said SEO.

Last year, when speculation about the health of Kim After missing the commemoration of her late grandfather’s birthday, some analysts have speculated that Kim’s younger sister, Kim yo-jong, she was the next to inherit the power from her brother. Others pointed out that it was also possible to form a collective government.

A few days ago it was the American newspaper The Washington Post the one who raised the issue of the dictator’s weight loss. Analysts and foreign intelligence agencies – said media in the capital of the United States– They are aware of the little information that escapes from North Korea, looking for clues as to what might be going on in the bowels of the Hermit Kingdom. But after the country’s borders were closed due to the COVID-19[feminine, les observateurs de Kim semblent féroces à propos de son tour de taille : apparemment plus mince que d’habitude.

Le dictateur Kim Jong-un est visiblement en surpoids sur une photo prise en mars dernier (Reuters)
Le dictateur Kim Jong-un est visiblement en surpoids sur une photo prise en mars dernier (Reuters)

Si Kim a juste perdu du poids pour être en meilleure santé, alors c’est probablement “offrir plus de prévisibilité, peut-être pour des acteurs régionaux comme le Japon (Corée du Sud) et les États-Unis, qui pourraient avoir plus confiance en votre leadership« Dit Vipin Narang à Nouvelles du NK. « Cependant, si cela est dû à un problème de santé, il est fort probable que les manœuvres pour votre succession se déroulent déjà en coulisses, et que la volatilité puisse poser problème pour le monde extérieur», a ajouté Narang, professeur de sciences politiques au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (AVEC).

Nouvelles du NK comparé des images agrandies du poignet de Kim prises au cours des sept derniers mois. Sur une photo prise en novembre, la montre IWC Portofino Automatic à 12 000 $ du leader semblait s’adapter parfaitement à la forme de son poignet.

Cependant, les photos les plus récentes montrent Kim portant la montre avec plus de laisse à revendre, ce qui renforcerait la théorie d’une possible perte de poids.

Ce n’est pas la première fois que les images de Kim sont examinées à la recherche de signes qui en disent plus sur sa santé. Ce n’est qu’une tentative de plus parmi tant d’autres. Mais tous cherchent la même chose : en savoir plus sur l’homme énigmatique que beaucoup ont tendance à imaginer toujours assis sur un imposant arsenal nucléaire.

(Avec des informations de l’AP et des médias locaux) .-


Kim Jong-un a reconnu que la situation alimentaire en Corée du Nord “devenait tendue”.
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