Kim Jong-un's photographer is shot for approaching a lot


The journalist, who enjoyed many privileges, made a mistake that sentenced him to become a second clbad citizen.

The regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has been entrusted to his personal photographer for a reason that would seem unusual in the world, but in North Korea, the lack of respect is total.

Ri is 47 years old and has enjoyed the benefits of an official. However, after being fired, he was expelled from the Labor Party and, with that, he automatically became a second-clbad citizen.

The episode in question occurred during the elections to form the Supreme People's Assembly on March 10, at a time when Kim voted. The problem arises because the photographer has approached within two meters of Kim Jong-un and faces him, which is forbidden. In addition, he adjusted the camera so that "the flash covers the neck of the supreme commander, dear and respected commander".


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