Kim Jong-un’s sister reappeared and threatened “total destruction” of Korean ties


Kim Yo-jong (Reuters)
Kim Yo-jong (Reuters)

The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Wednesday criticized South Korea’s president and threatened with “total destruction” of bilateral relations after the two countries tested ballistic missiles hours apart.

The missile fire underscored the return of tensions between rivals at a time when talks to strip North Korea of ​​its nuclear program have stalled.

Kim yo-jong He criticized South Korean President Moon Jae-in for comments he made while observing his country’s missile tests, including the first of a ballistic missile launched by a submarine. Moon said South Korea’s growing missile capability would serve as a “sure deterrent” against North Korean provocations.

The tests came hours after the armies of South Korea and Japan said North Korea had fired two ballistic missiles into the sea.

In a statement released by state media, Kim blamed Moon for calling North Korean weapons demonstrations provocative, warning him of “complete destruction” of bilateral ties if he continued what he called slander against Korea. North..

Kim met Moon Jae-in in 2018 in Seoul (Reuters)
Kim met Moon Jae-in in 2018 in Seoul (Reuters)

He asserted that North Korea is developing its military self-defense capabilities without targeting a specific country, and South Korea is also increasing its military capabilities. North Korea has often accused the South of hypocrisy for introducing modern weapons while calling for talks to ease tensions between divided countries.

If the president joins in the slander and denigration (against us), this will be followed by contrary actions, and the relations between the North and the South will be doomed to total destruction.“, noted. “We don’t want this“He added.

The armies of South Korea and Japan said the two short-range ballistic missiles fired by North Korea traveled 800 kilometers before landing at sea in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, a fact of concern although they did not reach Japanese territorial waters. The last time a North Korean missile landed in this area was in October 2019.

The launches have taken place two days after North Korea said it had fired a newly developed cruise missile, its first known missile test in six months.

Report broadcast on North Korea's launch of what appears to be a pair of ballistic missiles off its east coast (Reuters)
Report broadcast on North Korea’s launch of what appears to be a pair of ballistic missiles off its east coast (Reuters)

Hours after the last North Korean launches, South Korea reported its first test of a ballistic missile launched from a submarine. As Moon and other senior officials watched, the missile lifted off from a submarine and hit a designated target, Moon’s office said. He did not specify how far the weapon flew.

Experts claim that North Korea is building its weapon systems to put pressure on the United States in the hope of securing economic sanctions relief. intended to force the North to abandon its nuclear arsenal. Talks led by the United States on this issue have stalled for more than two years.

“North Korea is trying to get the message across that things will not turn out the way Washington wants if it does not accept the North’s demands,” said Moon Seong Mook, analyst at the Korea Research Institute for National Strategy, based. in Seoul He said North Korea might think it now has a chance of securing concessions from the administration of US President Joe Biden as it becomes embroiled in an internal debate following the chaotic withdrawal of ‘Afghanistan.

Observers say that The Moon government, which is actively seeking reconciliation with North Korea, may have taken steps to appear tougher in response to criticism that it is being too lenient on the North..

South Korean Submarine (AFP)
South Korean Submarine (AFP)

Rival nations have technically been at war since the 1950–1953 Korean War, which pitted the North and its ally China against the South, and against US-led UN forces, has ended. by an armistice and not by a peace treaty.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said the launches “threaten the peace and security of Japan and the region and are absolutely scandalous.”

The United States Indo-Pacific Command has stated that the North Korean essay “highlights the destabilizing impact of (North Korea’s) illicit weapons program”, although he said he did not pose an immediate threat to the United States.

The North Korean launches are in violation of UN Security Council resolutions which prohibit North Korea from all activity with ballistic missiles. But the Council usually doesn’t impose new sanctions when the North launches short-range missiles, like those on Wednesday.

The tests took place on Wednesday as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Seoul to meet with Moon and other senior officials to discuss North Korea and other issues.

It is unusual for North Korea to make provocative launches when China, its last great ally and biggest aid provider, is embroiled in a major diplomatic event. But some experts say North Korea may have used this moment to grab attention.

Kim Dong-yub, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said Wednesday’s tests appeared to be an improved version of a short-range missile he tested in March. According to him, the weapon is probably inspired by the Russian Iskander missiles, which are designed to fly at relatively low altitudes, which makes them difficult for the armed forces to intercept.

im Dong-yub, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, said Wednesday’s tests appeared to be an improved version of a short-range missile he tested in March. According to him, the weapon is probably inspired by the Russian Iskander missiles, designed to fly at relatively low altitudes, which makes them difficult to intercept by missile defense systems.

The international community wants North Korea to abandon its nuclear program and has long used a combination of the threat of sanctions and the promise of financial aid to try to influence the North.. But negotiations have stalled since 2019, when the administration of then-US President Donald Trump rejected the North’s demand for significant sanctions relief in exchange for dismantling a former nuclear facility.

Kim Jong Un’s government has so far rejected the Biden administration’s proposals for dialogue, demanding that Washington first abandon what it calls “hostile” policies. But North Korea has maintained its self-imposed moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile testing, a sign it may not want to rule out the possibility of reopening talks altogether.

North Korea's Supreme Leader and his powerful sister (Reuters)
North Korea’s Supreme Leader and his powerful sister (Reuters)

In 2017, North Korea claimed to have acquired the ability to strike the Americas with nuclear weapons after performing three ICBM tests and its most powerful nuclear test. In recent years, it has also conducted a series of underwater launch missile tests, which experts say is a worrying development as these weapons are difficult to detect and would provide North Korea with a retaliatory capability.

South Korea, which does not possess nuclear weapons, is under the protection of the American “nuclear umbrella”, which guarantees a devastating American response in the event of an attack on its ally. But South Korea has stepped up efforts to increase its conventional weapons, including developing more powerful missiles.

Experts say South Korea’s military advances are aimed at improving its preemptive strike capability and destroying major North Korean facilities and bunkers.

In addition to the missile launched from a submarine, South Korea has also tested a missile from an aircraft.

(With AP information)


Tension between the two Koreas: Kim Jong-un tested two ballistic missiles, the South fired a projectile from a submarine

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