Kim Kardashian, at war with her neighbors over the construction of an underground bunker


After his separation from Kanye West, Kim kardashian he got the luxurious property in Hidden Hills, California, where he lives with his children. However, it would be in front of his neighbors for a striking reason. As advanced The explosion, a group of owners of the luxury district sued her because she built an “underground bunker” which endangers the whole community.

That the media gained access to the documents where the neighbors asked a judge to stop this remodeling since can cause a tragic explosion near two pipelines.

The 40-year-old businesswoman has an ambitious plan in place for her $ 60 million property. In the underground part of the land, he wants to build a safe, a spa, a parking lot and even a safe.

To achieve this, Kim has to flatten two hills and compact about 4 kilometers of land. His neighbors warn that this procedure is carried out very close to two gas pipelines, something extremely dangerous for the whole neighborhood because an explosion of this magnitude could result in deaths.

Kim Kardashian wants to build an underground bunker on her land in California (Photo: @kimkardashian).

In addition, they claim that this construction prototype goes against the rules of the Hidden Hills Association, which looks after the community. In this sense, they explained that the neighborhood has a classification code to maintain a “rural, natural and rustic environment” and owners cannot change the topography drastically.

In the lawsuit, neighbors explained that Kim’s plans “would cause irreparable damage.” “Going forward with these two development projects can cause the loss of a life,” said one of the victims, who recalled the tragedy of the San Bruno gas pipeline explosion in San Bernardino, Calif., In 2010. This incident left eight dead, it injured 58 and destroyed 38 houses.

Although it is not yet known what condition the construction is in, a hill that previously stood near Kim’s mansion has been pictured with a lot of dirt removed in recent weeks. For the moment, the media preferred not to make statements on this subject.


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