"King Bibi": How did Netanyahu continue to manage the son of Israel


The Prime Minister, who led Israel for 13 years, is heading to his fifth term after the elections yesterday Source: AFP

Out of


, many find it hard to believe in the success of

Benjamin Netanyahu

. A column of opinion of the newspaper
Haaretz He explains that the Prime Minister, who ruled for 13 years and was now heading for a fifth term, is considered abroad to be corrupt, autocratic and divisive.

In Israel, some people think the same way, but many voters do not imagine the government without "Bibi". In a country that leans more and more to the right, the idea of ​​replacing it in the elections held yesterday means an act of faith too big. And his rival, General Benny Gantz, failed to make that leap.

For many Israelis, the Prime Minister is someone who keeps his promises, protects them, who strengthens the economy and puts Israel on the map of the world with the blessing and unconditional support of his country. friend.

Donald Trump


The eventual victory would allow Netanyahu, 69, to become the longest-serving Prime Minister in the history of the State of Israel by the end of this year, surpbading the legendary David Ben Gurion. Here are the reasons for Netanyahu's success:

Economy and security

For Netanyahu, this election was to reaffirm that no one is better qualified than him to guarantee the security and prosperity of the country. "Let's be honest with ourselves," said Michael B. Oren, former Israel ambbadador to Washington.
The New York Times. "Our economy is excellent, our external relations have never been better and we are safe, we have a man in politics for 40 years: we know him, the world knows him, even our enemies know him." This paragraph summarizes the vision of Netanyahu voters. In Israel, there is no economic crisis, the per capita GDP of $ 40,000 a year is now greater than that of Britain, $ 39,000, and there is no economic crisis. There is no major social conflict either. In addition, this differs from time to time, this election was not made in the context of a Palestinian or external threat to the security of Israel.


Netanyahu has governed Israel since March 31, 2009, for ten years. He was head of government for the first time between June 1996 and July 1999, for three years. In all, Gantz, of 59 years old and exparacaidista counts on the experience to be exjefe of the staff of the forces of defense. This is not enough in a country where security is paramount, but the problem is that Gantz was not considered a politician six months ago. Voters in Bibi refused to allow a less experienced person to take control.

A ruthless campaign

according to
Haaretz, the Prime Minister has led "a ruthless and brilliant campaign, anticipating almost all the movements of his rivals, no one has even approached". For many badysts, he also called for a "campaign against fear" to present his Gantz as a man of the left and even "mentally unstable". But Netanyahu not only attacked his rival, he also attacked the press and thus neutralized some of the impact of his allegations of corruption. Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit intends to charge him in the middle of the year for cashing millionaire bribes, fraud against the public administration and overconfidence . If finally Netanyahu manages to form a government, as expected, he will have a political badet to survive the long process of appeal.

External help

Netanyahu's campaign also focused on his close relationship with right-wing nationalist leaders,
like Brazilian President Jair Bolsanaro and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. One of those global Netanyahu friends was fundamental: President Donald Trump. Israel's closest ally in the United States has repeatedly benefited Netanyahu. First
He moved the US Embbady from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And over the past few weeks, he has offered two sensational gifts:
recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and the
Recognition of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard as a terrorist group. The two unprecedented moves have been great victories for Netanyahu.

The turn of Israel right

Not all the merits of Netanyahu. The prime minister also took advantage of Israel's gradual shift to the right, a center-right country, and Netanyahu rallied enough right-wing voters to defeat the center. The center-left Labor party that dominated Israeli politics during the country's first 50 years of existence has not won elections since 1999.

Since 2009, the Prime Minister has become more and more right-wing in order to protect his flank against other right-wing rivals, a strategy that is both dangerous and politically effective.

Netanyahu, with this new election, now seems ready to put himself at the head of an even more radical rightwing coalition.


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