King Juan Carlos is said to suffer from a “slight cognitive impairment” which would take him away from reality


The ex king john Carlos I from Spain He suffers “from a beginning of progressive cognitive degradation whereby he does not perceive everything he has done as reprehensible”, according to journalist José Antonio Zarzalejos, author of a new biography on King Felipe VI.

In an interview with the newspaper ABCZarzalejos added that the old Spanish king, 83, is “a man who has a distorted view of reality” and suffers from “blackouts”. “EThis was confirmed to me by more than one, two and three people ”, insured.

The author claims that the abdication of Juan Carlos I in June 2014 was “bankruptcy“And in fact until 2019” in the collective imagination there was a reign of four “and not only that of Felipe VI, evoking the role that the king emeritus occupied in the name of Spain and of the Crown in the ‘foreign.

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This “huge dysfunction”, Zarzalejos stressed, should not have happened, but rather had to rely on an exit from public life and a transfer of the official residence, but “there was an excess of generosity” on the part of Felipe WE.

Referring to Juan Carlos’ “expatriation” to the United Arab Emirates, Zarzalejos claims that it began to be forged after March 16, 2020, when Felipe VI withdrew the state allowance from his father and relinquished his inheritance . According to Zarzalejos, even The possibility that the king father left the palace of La Zarzuela, “but the idea did not flourish”.

Zarzalejos assured that the conclusion had finally come that “the departure from Spain was inevitable so that it was made visible that the head of state was Felipe VI” and that the emeritus king Juan Carlos does not continue “to steal the ‘political, media and social energy’ to his son and his young family.

Juan Carlos I suffers from “cognitive impairment”

king juan carlos borbon sofia

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Expatriate indefinitely, Juan Carlos I now has impairments and a slight cognitive impairment “ which, according to Zarzalejos, has to do with age and also with “the psychology of the culprit” and his “notnegation of the inadequacy of their behavior“. He continues to insist on this point “in conversations with people who have maintained or are in contact with him,” he said.

King Juan Carlos “believes that he has always done well, has no feeling of guilt and considers himself a victim of unfair treatment,” said Zarzalejos, who, in his opinion, “Tell a suspect he’s lacking references to reality.”


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