Kirchner mayor claims he will sell meat up to 50% cheaper


The Municipality of the City of Castelli in Buenos Aires is promoting a program to reduce the price of 6 pieces of meat by up to 50% thanks to an agreement between the producers, the local refrigerator and the butchers.

“We have to take care of the producer and the workers and put an end to the middlemen who make them more expensive and form prices,” the mayor said. Francisco Echarren, amid the controversy that triggered the 30-day shutdown of meat exports in an attempt to lower meat prices.

The extension of the deal will be 90 days and they will offer roast, wide steak, narrow steak, buttock, needle and ground meat at 399 pesos per kilo. Thus, the reduction on the barbecue reaches 46% (it costs 750 pesos) while in the rest of the cuts it reaches between 20% and 30%.

The program will start with 8 butcher shops and 17 more will be added next week, representing 90% of the total number of butcher shops in the neighborhood.

We want to pay the producer the same for what he sells to anyone. It’s not that we’re going to pay you less. We will pay you per kilo regardless of the market price. We are not going to hurt you and will require no effort. We understand that the producer takes risks and that he invests ”, he declared in the face of the uncertainty of the breeders.

In this sense, he explained that the refrigerator will earn a little less since it will take care of the transfer and that the butchers will also earn less in the 6 cuts they offer. “What yes we eliminate is the cost of intermediation. We do it with local logistics, ”he stressed.

It must be remembered that Echarren sent a draft to the Deliberative Council in 2020, which ended up being approved, so that the agricultural producers pay a compulsory contribution to a unique extraordinary fund to raise funds to fight the coronavirus.


The president of the local rural society, Alejandro Jaureguiberry, He argued that at the moment it is not internalized on the program to be executed by the Municipality of Castelli. “The rural society was not informed of anything, the only thing that we know comes from the rumors. I understand that there would be no producers of the district”, declared the person in charge of the entity.

“We are not in favor of State intervention, which is ineffective in these actions, we have seen it with the vaccine,” he added.

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