Kirchnerism is a virus that corrodes intelligence, said Birmajer.


The writer Marcelo Birmajer is one of the cultural figures who signed the application for the candidacy of Mauricio Macri and who strongly opposed yesterday to Kirchnerism, which he described as "virus corroding information" . In the meantime, he has admitted that the candidacy of Miguel Angel Pichetto as vice-president does not please him.

To integrate

"Kirchnerism, like false progressivism, is a virus that corrodes intelligence, because the left, originally, was the defense of freedom, equality and fraternity. And the one that in 1700 was called the left, was turned into support for the Islamic Republic of Iran, which kills homobaduals, stoned women and offers to exterminate the Jewish people, "said Birmajer in an interview with to Luis Novaresio on A24.

According to the writer, "Kirchnerism has not improved, it has worsened.In 2009, Cristina delivered one of the best speeches against Iran to the UN, Claiming the delivery of suspects from the attack to the AMIA.In 2011, she has not finished deciphering, have secretly signed a pact of impunity for the suspects of the attack. it just got worse. "


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