Kirchnerism prompted ambassadors to deny the default of 2020


The first concept that we try to make clear is that a future government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will respect both the debt issued by the management of Mauricio Macri and the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The argument inviting the interlocutors to create the message was that under the Kirchner administration, all deadlines were met and that no defect had been attributed to the voluntary private debt, that 39, whether local or external. It was also mentioned that the current status of the responsibility issued under the Mauricio Macri government could not be compared with Adolfo Rodríguez Saa's failure in December 2001, which also included numerous public titles published during the last year. military dictatorship. , according to the Kirchnerist vision, politically justified a broad and difficult negotiation. According to the thesis, the new debt would have been contracted by a democratic government presided over by the popular vote, then by the largest debt swap in the history of the world, also at two stages of Kirchnerism. This responsibility then has, in the eyes of Kirchner, a legitimacy different from that of the previous default. This does not mean that in the short and medium term debt, there can be no call for the renegotiation of deadlines, but in a voluntary and "good faith" way between the parties. There was no more detail on the depth and speed of these possible negotiations, but the phrase "in good faith" was emphasized.

It was also question of whether there would be restrictions of access and flexibility in currency management. Or more directly, if you think of a new trap. The message that remains for interlocutors is that the scheme they are thinking of is not the cepo inaugurated in 2011, but a refinement of the original idea of ​​the measure. That is, going back to the initial inventory project, where only dollars could be purchased based on the level of income recorded by individuals and businesses. This scheme, which in reality could never be effectively completed and which will then be overcome by the successive variants and variants of the 2013 model stock, would be a formula that would be developed in the K economic laboratories. In the case of the profitability of enterprises and the possibility of sending remittances abroad (the most criticized aspect of the stock), promised not to return to the program to which the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner put an end and to work on the profits in the event that this profitability is reinvested.

The validity of the idea of ​​respecting the objective of zero deficit and fiscal balance initiated by macrismo was also discussed, taking advantage even of the impetus given by the current direction of Nicolás Dujovne but with a longer extension than the program. While there are no specific dates, the intention is to develop a plan that is longer than the six months proposed by the current Ministry of Finance and extends over a longer but credible period. Surprisingly, there was also talk of the need to reduce the tax burden as the budget deficit was reduced, starting with the productive sectors and eliminating the last saga of withholding taxes implemented since last year.

In the light of the agreement with the IMF, he was badured that it would be respected and that a new round of negotiations would be opened to try to modify the current position by an extended facilities agreement. . That is to say, we go from the four-year agreement to one of the ten. We know that the financial institution will require reforms that will be politically difficult (if not impossible) to create within Kirchnerism, such as labor and social security. However, the intention, at least what was told to the interlocutors of yesterday, is that you must first sit down and negotiate. As if to show that on this side of the opposition, there is "good faith", Alvarez Agis made a personal gesture towards Mauricio Macri's government. The former Deputy Minister of Economy personally contacted the members of the economic team to make themselves available and clarify that no Kirchnerism proposes any default, nor a call for renegotiation of debt in exchange for a withdrawal. According to the opposing versions, the same authorities informed Alvarez Agis that this was not necessary and that his position was clear.


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