Kirchnerism without disguise – 26/01/2019


A series of episodes expose the chronic traits of Kirchnerism. This facet is often too scary. First, there are the novelties that continue to emerge in the scandal the notebooks of the bribes. They would close the escape to Cristina Fernández in order to invoke ignorance about the corruption matrix that she had inherited from Néstor Kirchner and remained unchanged for eight years.

Last week, Mauricio Macri 's controversial Emergency and Urgent Decree (DNU) was added to the estate' s extinguishment regime. That is, the desire to recover badets related to corruption and drug trafficking. Christinism was whitewashed as an alleged victim of this initiative. Would there be something to hide or fear? The summit of nudism Kirchner was born from the chaotic political situation in Venezuela. His internal isolation was remarkable. He remained the only voice that sums up this crisis by "the attempt of a coup d'etat". Not a word about Nicolás Maduro, about the hundreds of deaths that the regime accumulates after each demonstration (26, these days), on the flight into exile of 3,000,000 Venezuelans, or 10% of its population. Nor on the 288 political prisoners. As Ms. Claudia Hilb lucidly said about Cuba and the cynical position of progressivism, to that also corresponds only the silence as far as Venezuela is concerned.

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Claudio Bonadio tries to disperse another skein from the bribe books. He had been armed ever since he had resolved the arrest of Juan Manuel Campillo, former Minister of the Economy of Santa Cruz. He heard the first statement of Carolina Pochetti, widow of the private secretary of former President Kirchner, the late Daniel Muñoz. On Thursday, he asked to repent. Another historical badociate of the marriage, Isidro Bunin, fell in the same direction. That he would have been contacted and endowed with $ 200,000 to help preserve the huge fortune accumulated by Muñoz in the United States.

The judge tries to interpret the true role of Bunin in the criminal plot of the last decade. The man was born, like everyone else, in the shadow of Kirchner. Although later, he became a favorite collaborator of Cristina. He officially resigned in December 2011. But he stayed with her throughout the second term. This is corroborated in the badysis of several cell phones that he used.

There is something more than the magistrate knows by the mints. This Bunin has never confessed. Cristina 's collaborator personally visited two large companies, one based in Buenos Aires and the other in Buenos Aires, to claim cash contributions.. He never explained why or who needed it. He invoked orders from superiors. I did not pick them up either. I sent different messengers. One of the owners of one of the companies appears in the notebooks of Oscar Centeno and accepts the figure of the repentant. The other company did not even join the long list of raids (more than 70) ordered by Bonadio in recent weeks. Whenever Bunin was present in one of these companies, one of its leaders wryly warned: "The pedigree has arrived".

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The case of corruption in Kirchner reveals many obscurities in the lower echelons of power. The circulation of black money, the collection of clandestine fortunes, would not have only corresponded to ministers, secretaries and under-secretaries. The men who surrounded Kirchner and Cristina without any tinsel had an active participation. Let it know, at least ten people. Among whom Muñoz stood out clearly.

All of them, without exception, had during these years a monumental growth of their personal badets. Two of them, Daniel Alvarez and Fabián Gutiérrez, were arrested by Bonadio in the case of the notebooks. But then released by decision of the Federal Chamber. These two had causes of illicit enrichment. Gutiérrez has been studied for an economic increase of 800%. Muñoz also experienced the same problem. Same as Bounine. But they ended up being fired. In all four cases, by Bonadio himself. Curious to see how the magistrate escaped these hares.

Bonadio and prosecutors Carlos Stornelli and Carlos Rívolo badume to be in the final part of the investigation. Although they often discover new clues and encounter surprises. But they are showing the will to start closing this huge circle. The dilemma would be how. The judge seems convinced that a first step, involving Cristina as alleged of an illegal badociation, could be the subject of an oral and public hearing in May. It would be the sixth for the former president in the middle of the election campaign. But he still wonders if it would be appropriate to unify the sections. Also the one that involves entrepreneurs. To cover any accusation of bias. So, you are not stung by politicians and perhaps contemplation by powerful businessmen.

The government does not want too many delays. Because it clings to corruption and insecurity to engage the path of the countryside. He knows that with the economy, that recorded its eighth consecutive month of decline, he will not be able to make the difference to impose the re-election of Macri. This goal was emptied by the presidential DNU on the extinction of the dominion. The maneuver has two aspects: legal and political.

Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio. (AP / Adrian Escandar, archive)

Federal Judge Claudio Bonadio. (AP / Adrian Escandar, archive)

In the first case, the DNU exposes weak flanks. The first of them, the confiscation of property without conviction. For many specialists, an unconstitutionality. A potential conflict for the state. If there was an error in the appropriation, even if it was corrected later, there would be a legitimate claim for damages. Defects are reported at the top of the justice. Creation of a specialized prosecutor's office according to a de facto procedure. As a former lawyer, Alejandra Gils Carbó, knew how to do it. Judges and prosecutors recognize that slow procedures delay the confiscation of badets from corruption or drug trafficking. But they point out that, despite this, goals have been achieved. It is only through the link with drug trafficking that the state was able to recover $ 600 million.

On the other hand, the government seeks to condition the opposition. The DNU will be valid as long as MPs and the Senate do not reject them. If one of the Chambers does not do this, it will retain its value. The law of extinction takes Congress two and a half years without results. A project approved by the deputies in 2016 under the leadership of Front Renovador and Cambiemos. But it was changed in the Senate through an alliance between the PJ and Kirchnerism. Since then, he suspects a pact of impunity. Now, the next treatment of the DNU will force the positions of the PJ and the FR. We know that the Kirchner will vote against. Rogelio Frigerio, the Minister of the Interior, did not rule out that if there was a consensus, the DNU could become a new project. But the pejotismo, in the heat of the advance electoral wave, will be forced to stand out from the K.

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This distance, as rarely, has become apparent with the immense crisis affecting Venezuela. Sergio Mbada, Juan Manuel Urtubey and Miguel Angel Pichetto repudiated Maduro and recognized the opposition Juan Guaidó as a parallel leader. This is the head of Parliament. The group of deputies of the FpV, which commands Agustín Rossi, was limited to denouncing a coup d'etat. Perhaps he did not notice that it was the military that governed two decades ago. Maduro said when he received support from the armed forces for his "civic-military" administration. (Sic)

The Kirchnerists urged to seek a solution based on "dialogue and peace, without violence". Same invocation as Pope Francis repeats after a frustrated mediation. Or who hails the former Spanish Prime Minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Also failed in the search for an agreement. This role has now been resolved by Mexico and Uruguay.

The proclamation of Kirchner sincere hypocrisy. Violence does not seem to be a heritage of anyone in Venezuela. He responds above all to the military power he defends. The Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV) denounces that in 2015, 7,523 cases of deaths due to resistance to the authority were counted. The murder rate in general is 89 per 100,000 population. Human rights organizations in our country do not speak out about this tragedy either.

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Kirchnerism usually has a primary and musty reflex to adopt positions in these borderline cases. Otea has the reaction of the United States to go in the opposite direction first. Poor suite of the seventies. There he is anchored without considering anything else. The problem of migration in the region that particularly strikes Colombia and Brazil. The latest attack by the National Liberation Army (ENL) in Bogota left 21 dead and allegedly financed by Caracas. Or the flight of Cuban doctors arrived under an agreement with Havana, with a strong presence in the regime of Chavez. They want to leave Venezuela because of the violence and the retention of their profits and their badets in this country.

The declaration of Kirchnerist He could not have been born without Cristina's approval. The last time the former president talked about Venezuela, it was in September 2017. Before the legislative ones she had lost. He said that in this country, as in Argentina, there is no rule of law. It was a formality. Now he remains silent. The plan to make people believe, wrongly, that he is not what he was.

Copyright Clarín 2019


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