Kirchner's message to the markets: it favors neither the default nor the exchange rate


A devaluation of more than 20%, rates above 70% and shares of Argentine companies with an average fall of 44% on Monday join the defeat in the elections that paralyzed much of the national executive who We did not touch more We must indicate the formula Alberto Fernández-Cristina Fernández as responsible for this "black Monday".

"The alternative Kirchner does not have confidence in the world," said President Mauricio Macri to justify this fall of the local economy and asked the Front of all "to do the same. self-criticism and solve it "because" the economic world does not trust Kirchnerism. "

In the middle of this, the economist and advisor of Alberto Fernández, Matías Kulfas, was left by various media to point out that his political strength did not have the intention to fall into default and that economic conflict was the responsibility of management.

"It is not the fault of the opposition, these devaluations are purely and exclusively related to the economic policy of this government, they have created a false fear about the presidential exchange and the pay the consequences, hopefully they can control the situation, "said Kulfas. .

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The essayist also warned that "there was a campaign of protest against Alberto Fernández for data from his past shared by many politicians".

"The exchange rate started last year at $ 18.50 and, after successive setbacks, it reached $ 28 in May and $ 42 pesos in September – it was a huge devaluation and in that period Alberto was not a candidate for anything, Cristina Kirchner was practically out of politics and Axel Kicillof was writing books, "he added.

In the middle of a day of rumors ranging from cabinet changes to inexistent economic measures, the default ghost came back and everyone looked back at the Peronist candidates.

Faced with this, Kulfas said that "we spoke to the IMF representatives a few weeks ago and that we have ratified the willingness to dialogue, but from a position in which we are trying to change the agreement because that we think that so the goals are not achieved "(push back or reduce inflation)," he explained.

"We also do not want an exchange rate, and Alberto has repeated it many times," he added.

The lunch between Cristina Kirchner, Axel Kicillof and Alberto Fernández at the Instituto Patria addressed, among other topics, the economy and reserves data of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, so much so that the candidate for the Presidency at the end of Frente de Todos said that "the most dangerous is to continue to do what he is doing, to squander the reserves of the Central Bank to artificially support the dollar".

According to Fernández, the government "again showed its incapacity" by selling reserves, increasing the rate "without getting results" that slow down the race, and in addition, he responded to Macri by ensuring that He is the one who governs and must take charge of solving the problem. economic conflict


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