Kive Staiff is dead, synonymous with Teatro San Martín


Outstanding personality of the culture, journalist and theater producer, died this afternoon as he knew THE NACION Source: Archive – Credit: ADRIANA ALMAGRO

Kive Staiff, outstanding personality of the culture, journalist and theatrical producer, He died this afternoon at age 90 while he could know LA NACION. Oscar Barney Finn, scriptwriter and director of Argentine cinema and theater, close to the family, confirmed the news.

Staiff is part of the history of

San Martín Theater
. In November 1971, during the de facto presidency of Alejandro Agustín Lanusse, he badumed for the first time the general direction of the theater. Replaced during the Peronist period, he resumed his post in 1976 and maintained it throughout the military dictatorship and under the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín. Then he went through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and through the

Colón Theater
but in 2000, he returned to San Martin and was his director until November 2010.

Staiff, who had been a year since graduating at the University of University of Buenos Aires, worked as a journalist specializing in cultural topics and was a theatrical critic in newspapers
The notice ,
The evening mail and the magazine
Confirmed among other media of the 70s. He was also the author of theatrical essays on the works of August Strindberg and Armando Discépolo among others works.

Although he has never acted as an accountant, his knowledge I consider them as fundamental in his work as a theater producer

The wake will be tomorrow in Cordoba 3677. L & # Burial leaves the house of vigil towards Colinas del Tiempo in Pilar.

The memories of a good apprentice

Josefina Delgado, cultural director, writer, who shared with Kive Staiff the time of work and friendship, wrote this farewell at the request of LA NACION.

"We met very far, when he directed the newspaper's Culture
The Opinión . I was a girl, I commented on books or did an interview and watched from afar. Years later we met in the management of the city: I libraries, it's extraordinary management and undeniable as director of Teatro San Martín.

As Director of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he proposed me as a guest to José Donoso's 70th birthday in Chile. Always formal, never seeking more gratitude than people who live culture as a real pbadion.

And finally, in 2003, when I left the Subdirección of the Biblioteca Nacional, I went through it in a corner and he said, "Call me, I want you to work with me . "

And this was followed by the most unforgettable years of my career as cultural director: the creation of the Theater, Music and Dance Documentation Center. dialogue, with your full support.

Unforgettable Pictures: Kive oversees even the smallest details of a first, mixed between people, calling his collaborators by his side. And then: his finesse for the election of works of the season, his respect for his collaborators.

A managerial model, an intellectual model, a gentleman in times where we have to find that word. "

] Kive Staiff is dead, a great reference of culture, an extraordinary work at the Theater of San Martin Democracy, QEPD. & – Emilio Lafferriere (@emilafferriere)
July 19, 2018

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