Know the strange case of the woman who needs to sleep 19 hours a day


Kristen Devanna, a New York teacher, has suffered for six years from a disease that produces a constant cold, which breaks the skin and produces fatigue that requires sleep for about 19 hours a day. Now he has found in physical exercise a possible cure for raising his energy.

Long Island (New York) literature professor, Kristen Devanna, suffered for six years from an autoimmune disease that was diagnosed in 2013 as a disease. from Hashimoto. This condition leaves the skin cracked and produces a constant cold, in addition to such a severe fatigue that the young woman has to sleep for 19 hours a day.

After years of going to the doctor, the young woman tried different forms of healing, such as drugs or diets, without any resulting effects. As a result, he decided to change his lifestyle to gain more energy through physical exercise.

"Life has its ups and downs and, although it's easy to see an illness as something negative, because you can control it and because it has a big impact on the world, "he said in statements. Devanna wanted to share his methods to motivate those who suffer from a chronic illness and help them not to feel alone.

The young professor explained that in the beginning, when the first symptoms appeared, they were imperceptible changes in his body: "What affected me the most, it's that I'm I slept a lot. " Beside the dream, his skin became more "irritable" and "scaly".

"I felt my extremities freeze even in hot climates, to the point that they were completely numb," he says. The young woman has in the middle of her "struggle to stay awake" and how there were days when the disease "had complete control" over her and "her entire body was hurting".

Similarly, Devanna regretted having to cope For years, even doctors could not tell him about it because "they knew very little": "suffer from an autoimmune disease is frustrating because the outside world sees you differently from what you feel about People badume that I am just tired and that I do not understand it. "

The cure that caused an explosion of energy in the New York professor," he explains, "is to exercise four hours a week. High Intensity Weight: "I'm proud to be stronger than I seem, endorphins are the key and have helped me increase my energy."

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