Know the switch that controls diabetes and obesity


No one is exempt from diabetes, so take note of this change that controls your blood sugar level.

I had never thought of fat as an ally to control overweight, cause diabetes and an endless list of consequent ailments of this symptom. Recently, they found a switch that controls the diabetes and obesity, here are some facts you need to know about it.

Disease in the World

To begin, it is important to talk a little more about the diseases in question. Since 1975, obesity has tripled globally; The World Health Organization ( WHO ) estimates that about 2 billion 200 million people worldwide (or, 40%) are overweight or unwanted. obesity . 19659005] Although body fat is necessary to maintain the energy balance of our body and regulate its temperature, all the fats we consume are not good and that is precisely what is considered the key to resolve diabetes and obesity

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disabling protein p38 alpha prevents accumulation of adipose tissue ( Image:

How does it work? the regulator

Researchers at the Carlos III National Cardiovascular Research Center ( CNIC ) revealed the mechanism by which "good" brown fat is activated to produce heat and eliminate excess of fat.

It is the protein p38 alpha which, when it is deactivated or interrupted, prevents the accumulation of adipose tissue. Researchers have shown that in more than 150 samples of human adipose tissue, this protein is found to a lesser extent in obese patients.

"P38 alpha could regulate a key protein to activate the brown fat, called UCP1, which is responsible for removing excess fat in the form of heat," says co-author Nuria Matesanz

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This thermal image shows that mice stopped the p38 protein do not gain weight despite a fat diet. (Photo: CNIC)

The results were published in [19659019] PLoS Biology and underline the potential clinical implications for the treatment of obesity and diabetes

In investigations with genetically modified mice and without presence of the alpha p38 protein, it was shown that rodents were free of obesity despite a fatty diet.

"It is due to lack of alpha p38 protein activates brown fat, thus eliminating excess white fat in the form of the heat, "says Ivana Nikolic . In this way, they are free from the risk of suffering from diabetes.

So, in conclusion, the switch or pharmacological inhibition of p38 alpha could be used as therapy against obesity.

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