Komodo dragon entered red list of threatened species due to climate change


The climate change it advances with overwhelming force and wreaks the most varied havoc and adds to unprecedented climatic catastrophes; Among them, exotic species see their survival threatened, one of them is the Komodo dragon.

This rare species of ‘dragon’ is already in danger of extinction due to the climate change and are considered the lizards largest on the planet, as they can measure up to three meters and weigh nearly 90 kilograms.

Komodo dragons are considered the largest lizards on the planet, as they can grow up to three meters and weigh nearly 90 kilograms. (Photo: Twitter / @rcnmundo).

Unfortunately, a few days ago, since Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) it was announced that Komodo dragon to Indonesia are now part of the red list threatened species, for which they are considered to be already in danger of extinction. One of the main causes is that climate change will reduce the habitat of these animals by 30% over the next 45 years due to high temperatures and high sea levels.

Despite an impressive appearance and a name that may sound reckless, these animals are vulnerable to issues such as climate change and, of course, the loss of their habitat, which has been under constant threat and triggered this alarming situation. .

The future of the Komodo dragons is uncertain. (Photo: Twitter / @rcnmundo).

What are the Komodo dragons like?

Agree with National GeographicThese enormous lizards have survived many cycles of change throughout their history. According to various theories Komodo dragon they appeared five million years ago. However, the kind Vanarus it was traced about 40 million years ago. For this reason, dragons are closely related to dinosaurs, which inhabited the earth 200 million years ago.

Komodo dragons are found in Indonesia and are in serious danger of extinction. (Photo: Twitter / @Globalmediamx).

Among the main preferences of the species, they enjoy enjoying long periods in the sun, hunting, laying eggs and prey in order to survive. Although they are among the species that prefer to be alone, it is estimated that they can live 30 to 50 years on the islands of Southeast Asia, territory of the Indonesian archipelago where they live.

Alluding to his power, the Komodo dragon It is considered a great hunter and has the ability to reach 19 kilometers per hour on the lookout for its prey which it attacks by surprise and tears at the most tender part or tears off a leg. While he doesn’t shoot like a dragon, his mouth gives off poisonous saliva that keeps his victims’ blood from clotting, causing them to bleed quickly.


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