Kremlin Leak Says Putin Supports Trump Campaign | According to a document consulted by the British newspaper “The Guardian”


British newspaper investigation The Guardian exposed the espionage plot authorized by Russian President Vladimir Putin to support the 2016 candidacy of Republican Donald Trump, whom the Kremlin considered “mentally unstable”.

During a closed-door meeting of the Russian National Security Council, Putin authorized a secret spy operation. According to the document nº 32-04 ex., the meeting was held on January 22, 2016, and the president, his spy bosses and other senior officials attended.

“They agreed that a Trump White House would help secure Moscow’s strategic goals, including ‘social disruption’ in the United States and the weakening of the US president’s negotiating position,” he said. revealed this Thursday morning. The Guardian. By this time, in early 2016, Trump was already the favored candidate in the Republican Party. A report prepared by Putin’s think tank recommended that Moscow use “all possible force” to ensure the triumph of the American tycoon.

“It is understood that Western intelligence agencies had known about the documents for several months and had carefully examined them,” British media said, calling the leak “very unusual from inside the Kremlin”. According to experts consulted by the newspaper, the documents appear authentic, “the tone and the idea in general are consistent with the security thinking of the Kremlin”.

Consulted by The Guardian, the presidential spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said that the idea that Russia’s leaders had come together to agree to support Trump in early 2016 was “big, cheap fiction.”

The disclosed document also includes a Trump’s Brief Psychological Assessment. The description of the Kremlin sums it up as follows: “Impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual suffering from an inferiority complex”. In addition, the report refers to material that could potentially compromise the then future President of the United States, which was obtained during “Trump’s unofficial visits to the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Trump’s arrival at the White House “will undoubtedly lead to the destabilization of the American socio-political system,” predicts the text dated January 22, 2016. The author of the leaked text is Vladimir Symonenko, a senior official in the Kremlin Expert Department, which aims to provide the President of Russia with reports and analytical material, some based on foreign intelligence. Days earlier, on January 14, Symonenko produced a three-page summary including his team’s findings and recommendations.

While the document does not name Hillary Clinton, Trump’s rival in the 2016 election, it suggests the use of media resources to undermine key political figures in the United States. After the January 22 meeting, Putin issued a decree in which he created a new secret inter-ministerial commission to clarify the objectives set out in the “special part” of the document. nº 32-04 ex..

Weeks after the Security Council meeting, hackers from the GRU (Military Intelligence Service of the Russian Armed Forces) disrupted the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers and subsequently published thousands of private emails in an attempt to undermine the Clinton’s election campaign. According to the newspaper, Trump did not respond to a request for comment after the new revelations.


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