Kylie Jenner, the youngest billionaire in the world


The 20-year-old entrepreneur and designer is on Forbes magazine's fortune list mixed with his line of cosmetics Credit: Instagram


Kylie Jenner
ceased to be just the youngest sister of Kim Kardashian. With a totally different profile, the 20-year-old girl appeared on the cover of Forbes magazine as one of the 60 most influential women in the world.

While it is true that she grew up as a princess and that she never lacked anything, Kylie got her incredible fortune thanks to the profits of her company. Kylie Cosmetics cosmetics. One of the facts highlighted by the publication is that she managed to ambad $ 900 million in capital in just three years.

This last figure is not lower … According to estimates, the
it-girl was able to overthrow anyone other than Mark Zuckenberg, founder of Fecebook, when he broke through the bar of achieving his first billion before he died. to be 23 years old. Time, she has a lot: only in August she will be 21 years old. In fact, today the girl is in the 27th position of the count of these young millionaires.

"She is called to be the youngest billionaire who knew how to be," says the cover of the magazine, which can be seen a very "formal" version of the minor media sisters.

In principle, already realized his first mark: to be the youngest person to join the list of the richest women who knew how to make that Forbes publishes for four years.

In November 2015, he launched for sale, via the web, the first of its products: a pack of lipsticks priced at $ 29 "Before I had time to refresh the page, they were already gone, "says the young businesswoman

Pushed, in principle, by the fame of her owner (
Kylie has 110 million followers on her Instagram account), the company has started charging more and more. Since then, he has raised approximately $ 630 million, of which 330 alone in 2017. To these figures, we must add the gains made by Jenner in advertising campaigns, parades, events and television programs, and so on. to the figure announced by Forbes: 900 million

"Social networks are a wonderful thing, thanks to them I have a fluid contact with my followers and with my clients," he told the magazine.

Today, Kylie Cosmetics employs approximately 500 people and offers products, shadows, basics, illuminators and lip profilers, among other products. 100% of the shares come from the minor of the media clan.

"I broke my head for a minute to find what I wanted to do," Jenner said in the interview that accompanies the list. For starters, he invested some of his savings: $ 250,000 that he had earned through his modeling work. As he says, everything he's learned about makeup, he's watched YouTube tutorials.

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