La Palma: the Cumbre Vieja volcano ceased its eruptions for two hours, but reactivated and emits lava again


The volcano ceased its activity after a night of intense shaking (REUTERS / Jon Nazca)
The volcano ceased its activity after a night of intense shaking (REUTERS / Jon Nazca)

The emission of ash and smoke from the erupting volcano for eight days On the Spanish island of La Palma, it ceased shortly after 8:30 a.m. (local Canary time, 7:30 a.m. GMT) on Monday after a night of constant explosions, as EFE observed from the port of Tazacorte.

Experts from the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands, Involcan, have just confirmed that the volcanic tremor of the eruption of La Palma “has almost disappeared” as well as the explosive strombolian activity. Through its Twitter account, Involcan ratifies what can already be seen in the vicinity of the volcano after the column of ash that caused the main cone formed in the Cabeza de Vaca area, in Cumbre Vieja, disappeared for a week.

The scientific committee of the Volcanic Risk Prevention Plan for the Canary Islands, Pevolca, meets at this time to analyze the situation.

A pleasure boat returns at sunset to the port of Tazacorte located on the coast where lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is expected to arrive.  EFE / Miguel Calero.
A pleasure boat returns at sunset to the port of Tazacorte located on the coast where lava from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is expected to arrive. EFE / Miguel Calero.

The column of smoke that scattered the ash throughout the island has disappeared and there is hardly any activity in the volcano, although this is not the first time since the start of the eruption that these periods of inactivity occur.

From the port of Tazacorte, we can see small plumes of smoke along the course of the main river that devastated the town of Todoque, which was last night about 1,600 meters from the coast without reaching the sea.

In these eight days of eruption, other cyclical episodes have already been recorded, alternating very explosive moments with others of relative calm.


The Canarian government estimates the economic impact generated by the eruption of the volcano at 500 million euros.

For its part, the Spanish government is already studying a plan to ensure the economy of the island of La Palma, after having declared it a catastrophic zone. “We are working on a specific labor protection mechanism for La Palma and the Canary Islands archipelago,” they said from the Canary Islands government. The idea is to be able to help all the workers and companies concerned.


“I send my closeness and solidarity to all those who were affected by the eruption of the volcano on the island of La Palma, in the Canary Islands, Spain”, said Francisco, after praying to the Angelus this Sunday in the Plaza de San Pedro. .

Pope Francis today showed his "proximity and solidarity" to those affected by the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on the Spanish island of La Palma, at the end of the Angelus Sunday prayer in St. Peter's Square in the Vatican.  EFE / EPA / FABIO FRUSTACI
Pope Francis today showed his “closeness and solidarity” with those affected by the Cumbre Vieja volcano, on the Spanish island of La Palma, at the end of the Angelus Sunday prayer in Saint Square -Peter of the Vatican. EFE / EPA / FABIO FRUSTACI

“I join with all those who have been forced to abandon their homes, and for all we pray to the Virgin of these lands, venerated as the Virgin of the Snows”, added.

(with information from the EFE)


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