La Palma volcano: the “miracle house” finally succumbed to the lava | It was surrounded by magma for 10 days


Since its eruption 10 days ago, the Cumbre Vieja Volcano, on La Palma, destroyed everything in its path. However, an idyllic single-family house, in the region of El Paraíso, stood, isolated by the lava bed, which is why it was called the “miraculous house”.

Amidst a devastating panorama, the image of the standing house – captured by photographer Alfonso Escalero, coordinator of the audiovisual production company I love the world-, it was a symbol of resistance and hope, so it went viral and went around the world. However, this Wednesday we learned that the house has finally succumbed to the onslaught of volcanic magma.

They confirm that the house of hope is no more. It joins the multiple houses which are under the cover of the volcano. We will look for another sign that does not make us lose hope in these difficult days for everyone ”, they have since written. I love the world on your Facebook account.

The image of the standing house was captured by photographer Alfonso Escalero, coordinator of the audiovisual production company

According to local media reports, the owners of the iconic estate are Inge and Rainer Cocq, a retired Danish couple who were fortunate enough not to be in the house at the time of the eruption, but who are devastated by what happened.

The Cocqs spent long stays at home, but they had not returned to the island since the start of the pandemic.

What the “miracle house” looked like

The Danish couple bought the farm 30 years ago, where they built a typical Canarian rural house, a project with which they dreamed of spending their retirement years after a life of work.

They were 45 square meters of house among more than 3,000 square meters of vineyards and gardens which are now buried under the lava from the volcano.

Paradoxically, one of the attractions that brought Inge and Rainer to La Palma was its spectacular volcanic landscape., an obsession they both shared since they were young. They even came to consider a retreat to a house in Hawaii, also surrounded by volcanoes, but they opted for the Canary Islands to be closer to their homeland.


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