La Plata: They arrested a woman who had her family killed on the ground in Bolivia


After several eavesdropping and an investigation of more than a year, the court determined that it was the woman who had hired killers. "to eliminate" his family in the middle of a dispute over the purchase of land in Tarija, Bolivia.


It was on October 5 that the Bolivian judicial authorities requested his arrest at the international level for the crime of "murder and attempted murder", following which a red notification was sent to the president. International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol).

A series of investigations determined that the woman was in La Plata, so that Interpol was appointed divisional brigade Federal Investigation into fugitives and extraditions of the federal police investigating.

It has thus been established that the accused was currently residing in Etcheverry, La Plata.


As a result, an operational brigade was commanded in this zone, where a discreet surveillance was set up until it is possible to visualize a woman whose physiognomic characteristics are compatible with that of the person. sought, which identified a posteriori, has turned out to be the fugitive. who was arrested for extraditorial purposes.

The Federal Court No. 1 of La Plata intervened, under the responsibility of Dr. Ernesto Kreplak, secretary: No. 2 Dr. Ramiro Lemos Arias.


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