Lacalle Pou is a superb and a marketing crack



Pepe Mujica ruled out having a meeting with Lacalle Pou and denounced that when he resigned his seat in the Senate, the current president “He did not let his party say a word and also imposed conditions on the Colorados themselves.”.

I saw them as little lambs for this party that ruled for 90 years. In Parliament, there is a tradition that when a lawmaker leaves, a few words of courtesy are spoken. The guy has the right to have all the anger he wants with me, but beyond sympathy or dislike, there is the sequel“Said Pepe Mujica.

A little later, the executive branch issued a statement in which it assured that what Mujica said is false, because “During the press conference to which the former president refers, the journalist from the Communication department of the Presidency did not ask any questions“.

What Mujica says is “a gratuitous crime and constitutes a lack of respect for the heads of the presidency’s communication team,” the text warns.

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