Lacalle Pou’s new strategy to contain the coronavirus


Luis Lacalle Pou, President of Uruguay, stressed that deaths from coronavirus cannot be measured in numbers, and wondered how many deaths would be and put forward this as well as the idea of shield April with restrictions, the same will happen with May.

“Every death is sadness. Deaths cannot be measured in numbers. How many deaths are there? 10, 20, 70? If it’s a parent of each of us, or a loved one, it should already hurt us. It seems to me that counting the dead as if they were a figure is too cold “, indicates Lacalle Pou.

In a press conference he gave in Soriano, the president estimated that the vaccination and conduct of every Uruguayan would make Let’s spend these moments in the best possible way.

In this sense, he pointed out that in addition to a few restrictions April was wanted, a concept installed by Rafael Radi, one of the members of the Honorary Scientific Advisory Group (GACH), later it should be May “.

The President said it hurt a lot to receive the report with covid-19 deaths in the country every day and of course regretted it. some of these deaths could have been prevented with other behaviors.

He also pointed out that the Intensive Treatment Centers (ITCs) “did not collapse” despite the fact that it had been predicted for weeks, although he admits that the stressed system, and especially working people, are. very tired, with many hours.

According to the website of the newspaper La Repblica, the total occupancy of intensive care units is 75.1% and 532 patients are hospitalized for Covid-19, according to data from the Uruguayan Society of Intensive Medicine (SUMI).

Today, things are not going as we would like, even if the horizon seems a little less cloudy, it is the same: if things are going well it is because of the Uruguayan behavior. And if not, the responsibility lies with the government. And to be very clear: It is not from the government, it belongs to the President of the Republic, emphasizes Lacalle Pou.

The Uruguayan executive was initially reluctant to establish severe restrictions and only sought to curb traffic, but the sharp rise in cases and the emergence of infections in all 19 departments prompted it to take other measures, including suspension of face-to-face lessons.

In the past few days, the country has reached 160,000 infected people, although 130,000 have already recovered. The deaths total just over 1,700.


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