Lack of oxygen and open-air cremations, the doomsday scenario in India due to the coronavirus – economic, financial and business news


Per consecutive second, India reported today the highest figure in the world of daily cases of coronavirus: 332,730 new infections (well above the five-day moving average, 295,117). The death toll in the past 24 hours has risen to a record 2,263, as authorities in the north and west of the country, including the capital, New Delhi, they warned that Ito most the hospitals were full and they were lack of oxygen.

Collapsed, the Indian health system He also faced a series of accidents:13 people died in hospital fire outside Mumbai, treating patients with Covid-19. Wednesday, 22 patients died in a public hospital in Maharashtra state when their oxygen supply has been depleted due to a leak in the tank. Last month, nine people lost their lives in hospital fire from the state capital of Bombay.

“It’s dark. It’s serious (…) there is a extreme shortage of ICU beds [Unidades de Cuidados Instensivos]TS Singh Deo, health minister for the eastern state of Chhattisgarh, told Reuters. We will have to be very careful in rural areas. If it spreads there, it’s going to get out of hand. “

World’s largest vaccine producer has record coronavirus cases and could suspend shipments to other countries

the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, whose government has come under fire for easing restrictions on the virus too quickly, has met with key ministers from the worst-affected states. Modi He later said the government was making a “continuous effort” to increase oxygen suppliesor, including industrial oxygen utilization measurements.

He called on states to work together to cover the medication and oxygen requirements, and that it is not done gathering nor the supplies marketed in the informal market. “All states must ensure that no oxygen tanker, whether for any state, is stopped or blocked,” he said in a statement.

Lack of oxygen and collapsed funeral services

The state of Delhi, in the form of over 26,000 new cases and 306 deaths, or around one death every five minutes, the fastest pace since the start of the pandemic. the oxygen and beds have become scarceand large hospitals are posting notices saying they have no more room for more patients, as police are deployed to secure oxygen supplies.

“We regret to announce that we are suspending further admission of patients to all of our Delhi hospitals … until oxygen supplies stabilize,” posted Max Healthcare, a hospital network manager, on Twitter while asking for oxygen.

In the country’s capital, New Delhi, people who lose loved ones turn to makeshift facilities for mass burials and cremations before the overflow of funeral services.

India Suspends Vaccine Export, Argentina May Have Delays With AstraZeneca Doses

Amidst the desperation, the recriminations began. Health experts say India It was getting back into the winter, when new cases were 10,000 a day and appeared to be under control, and he removed restrictions to allow for large gatherings.

“The Indians have lowered their collective guard,” Zarir Udwadia, pulmonologist with the Maharashtra task force, wrote in the Times of India newspaper. “We hear the declarations of victory from our leaders, now cruelly denounced as mere arrogance.”

Nail most infectious variant of the virus who is from India this may have helped accelerate the rise, experts say.

India overtakes Brazil and is already the second country with the most coronavirus cases

India, a major producer of vaccines, a vaccination campaign has started, but yesonly a small percentage of its population of 1.39 billion have received a dose, and experts say supplies are scarce.

Vaccine export controls

Due to the overflow of the internal border situation, the Serum Institute of India -the world’s largest vaccine producer- stop shipments of vacunas Oxford-AstraZeneca Covishield, complicating the stock of vaccines of the mechanism COVAX of World Health Organization (WHO) Yes GAVI.

Serum said on Wednesday he hoped to increase his AstraZeneca monthly production to 100 million doses by July (of the 60 or 70 million it currently produces), delaying its scale plans. Serum said that trying to restore vaccine delivery “as soon as possible” COVAX, although he did not give a certain date


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