Lacunza held Alberto Fernández responsible for the rising dollar and country risk


The Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza, He pointed against the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernandez, for the financial instability of the country and called on the opposition to accompany the national government to ensure stability.

"No government can alone and less during an election period, we need the agreement of all political forces to guarantee this stability"The official said at a press conference that the president "entrusted him with a central mandate, taking care of the Argentines in these times of financial stress and exchange rate".

He also said that "in practice, the president's instruction had specific objectives: that the dollar and inflation should not increase, already too much, because they erode wages and salaries. Savings of all Argentines ".


Aggressive government sales have not served to contain the dollar

"All the forces want to win the elections, it is legitimate, but it is not an excuse to jeopardize the stability of the Argentineans. We must all agree on the maintenance of stability as a priority objective, "Lacunza asked.

In the same vein, trying to hit Fernández as responsible for the rising dollar and country risk, said that "in the electoral process, teams of campaigning candidates become an integral part of the system. Because of their opinions, promises, speeches, tweets give signs of the future. "He added that" markets weigh in their decisions and influence variables such as exchange rates, prices, inflation and country risk ".


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