Lacunza met Alberto Fernández's team with the dollar, the debt and the IMF as axes


The government and the front of all will deepen your approach Wednesday after the second phone call from Mauricio Macri and Alberto Fernández. The economic team of this political space will visit the Treasury Palace to meet with Minister Hernán Lacunza and discuss the coming months of the economy.

According to official sources confirmed and the Front of all, meeting will take place at 4 pm on Wednesday. They will visit the Minister William Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca.

The context that unites the two groups is the instability of the dollar and an rise in inflation after the devaluation last week. The need to stabilize markets, to control inflation, the agreement with the IMF and the "legacy" of the next administration will be a priority.

Lacunza on Tuesday called for a new stage of economic management including a dialogue with the opponents' space. A few hours later, he received the advisers to the presidential candidate of the Federal Consensus, Roberto Lavagna. The delegation consisted of MP Marco Lavagna and economist Leonardo Madcur. At the meeting, they agreed on the "need to stabilize the foreign exchange market as soon as possible" in order to draw a horizon.

This Wednesday will be the turn of the Frente de Todos. As confirmed at, The former finance secretary and current advisor to Alberto Fernández in this region, Guillermo Nielsen, will lead the delegation. The team of referents of this opposition space will be completed by the economist Cecilia Todesca. It was badumed that Emmanuel Álvarez Agis could also participate, but this has not been confirmed by any of the spaces. Matías Kulfas, another member of the Fernández team, will not participate in the event as he is on honeymoon.

What role does each player play in the opposing force team? Nielsen and Álvarez Agis serve as the link between the Front of All and the financial market. Both maintain a smooth dialogue with investment funds and even the ex-minister Axel Kicillof was the protagonist of various trips to Wall Street to explain the economic ideas of the candidate of Kirchnerism.

Todesca, on the other hand, is part of the Callao group, a group of intellectuals who have surrounded Fernández in recent years and forged his political departure to run for president. She holds a degree in economics from the UBA and a master's degree in public administration from Columbia University. She is the daughter of the head of the Indec, Jorge Todesca, and has been low profile in recent months.

Over the past few days, a statement from the Front of All has set off the alarm among investors when he said he would seek to negotiate "with each of the bondholders" for restructure the public debt.

Later, Nielsen and Álvarez Agis had to go out to deny it. The second of them even specified that the country would need "refinancing", which would not imply, a priori, a reduction in the value of government bonds.

"He was a very unhappy statement because the financial market has certain technicalities and saying certain things means very specific issues, "he said Nielsen said:" we do not plan to restructure the debt "as they seek to avoid" conflicts with bond creditors ".

Fernández said Tuesday afternoon: "Macri m proposed to talk to the economic teams, I told him that it seemed good to me to call all the teams, because we are all candidates." It was then that he confirmed to the president that his people would participate in the convening of the government.

"The talks they must become everyday, we talked about what was happening in New York (in reference to the fall of Argentine badets), but what we talked about is between us, "said the man who runs the formula of Cristina Kirchner during A press conference.

According to partisan sources, the economists of Frente de Todos "will listen to Lacunza, but They have no plans or proposals punctual because in this Alberto (Fernández) was very clear when he announced that he would not co-govern because he was only a candidate for the presidency, "they said Télam.

The new Treasury leadership considers that the dialogue rounds with the opposition will bring certainty to the market. "The president summoned all the candidates to preserve stability against the electoral ambition. He asked me to call the economic referents of all spaces to agree on certain basic conditions, then compete with each other, "said Lacunza after taking office at the head of the Palacio de Hacienda.

The new minister also introduced into the public discussion the notion of "legacy" that the government will leave to the next administration, making a lateral reference to "legacy" kirchnerist, and twice mentioned the transition .

"We have many arguments to move forward, to ensure the tranquility of the Argentineans in this electoral process and reach the next termwhatever the choice of ballot boxes, but the most important point is that the starting point of the next president has a consistent and sound platform to regain growth than eight years ago, Argentina had at least lost, "concluded.


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