Lacunza received Nielsen and Todesca, economists from Alberto Fernández


The Minister of Finance and Energy, Hernán Lacunza, received this Wednesday Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca, referents of the economic line of the Front for all, arrived a few minutes before 16 hours at the Palace of Portfolio located a few meters from the Pink house.

The meeting takes place within the framework of the meetings that the new minister decided to hold yesterday at the time of his accession to power, when he announced that he would summon all opposition economic technicians to "preserve stability as good above any electoral ambition".

The first to accept the invitation was the presidential candidate for the Federal Consensus, Roberto Lavagna. "According to our vocation of dialogue and consensus, in #federal consents We accepted the invitation of the Minister of Finance and Energy. Therefore, our technicians are available to provide opinions and proposals for stabilization purpose, "wrote the former Minister of Economy Nestor Kirchner on Twitter.

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His son Marco Lavagna and economist Gerardo Madcurd They were chosen for the first economic conclave. "We first talked about stabilizing the situation and then starting to change," the national deputy told the press after the meeting.

Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca at the Palacio de Hacienda before meeting with Minister Hernán Lacunza.
Nielsen was primarily responsible for debt negotiation with the IMF at the time of Nestor Kirchner. | Photo: Telam

"We have stressed the need for very close coordination with the Central Bank to be able to control the situation," he said. In this sense, he felt that even if it is not going to "be able to change everything in macro, it is possible to begin to give indications on the direction that must take the economy". "The key is to work on the basis that the next government will have to continue," he said.

About the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)He reiterated: "The agreement has already failed because of government violations.We must sit down and renegotiate a new agreement." However, he felt that "it is surely the turn of the next government". "What can now be defined is how the Central Bank's interventions will be done in the foreign exchange market and negotiate debt maturities to give more room for maneuver to the next administration," he said. declared.

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[VIDEO] Guillermo Nielsen in pure journalism:

Who are the Envoys of the Front of All?

Cecilia Todesca She is the daughter of the Indec holder, Jorge Todesca, and a member of the Callao group, who has from the beginning supported the presidential candidacy of Alberto Fernández. Todesca holds a degree in economics from the University of Buenos Aires and a master's degree in public administration from Columbia University in New York. He has held several public positions and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Development Research Foundation.

The economist believes to have a "militant commitment" with the presidential candidate of Frente de Todos. With regard to the current situation, he believes that "Argentina's structural problems are not the product of the decisions made by the Macri government, many of these structural problems are pre-existing, others not: the issue of debt reappears ".

The self-proclaimed liberal, Guillermo Nielsen, was received as an economist at the University of Buenos Aires, and then completed his training in Boston. One of the great milestones of his professional career was one where, within Roberto Lavagna's economic team, he held the position of Finance Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Production between 2002 and 2005. He was the main responsible for debt negotiation with the IMF. by Nestor Kirchner.

Subsequently, he was Minister of Finance of Buenos Aires in 2006 and Ambbadador of Argentina to Germany between 2008 and 2010. In 2015, he presented himself at the head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires . Last May, he did not rule out the possibility of being an official of the Formula Fernández-Fernández team. "I would like to be Minister of Economy, but the reality seems very brave," he admitted.

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