Lacunza received the referrals of the economic line of Frente de Todos


Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza coincided Wednesday with the leaders of the economic front of the Front of All, Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca, in the need to maintain financial stability.

After the meeting, official sources told him that Lacunza had kept the emissaries of Alberto Fernández at the Palacio de Hacienda for an hour.

This was the second meeting between Lacunza and opposition representatives after receiving Marco Lavagna and Leonardo Madcur on Tuesday, according to federal consensus, the sources said.

Todesca entering the Ministry of Economy. (Federico López Claro)

The meeting took place on a day when the dollar remained stable at $ 57 for the sale to Banco Nacion, after the central bank sold $ 94 million, Telam said.

Lacunza had said this morning that "if there is an election competition where each candidate aspires to occupy power, this can not be an excuse to endanger stability."

"We must be very cautious, sensitive and aware that the higher good is the well-being of the Argentines," the minister told Radio Miter.

Next Monday, Minister Lacunza will receive the referents of the libertarian party led by José Luis Espert, according to Telam.

(Luciano Thierberguer / Clarín)

Front Communiqué of all

For their part, from the Front of All, they stressed, by a statement, that the meeting "was held in a framework of absolute respect and cordiality, coinciding with the need to seek a horizon of stability that would reduce the impact of the crisis ". on the productive sectors and the most vulnerable families ".

The Todos Front Economic Team "reiterated its concern over the decline in international reserves which, since the last payment by the IMF, have been reduced by more than 9 billion dollars.

Similarly, "the negative impact of successive devaluation processes on inflation (especially in the area of ​​food and basic necessities) has been highlighted, as well as inconsistent tax measures with the provinces and those referring to the petroleum sector ".

The Frente de Todos has also ratified "its commitment to respect all existing obligations and contracts, as part of an alternative economic model emphasizing price stability and the resumption of growth and employment. ", released Telam.

In reference to the agreement with the IMF, the economic referents of the Front of all expressed their concern "for the violation of its four fundamental objectives: the decreasing trajectory of the public debt, the reduction of inflation, the resumption of growth and the creation of jobs to fight against poverty. " poverty. "

"The agency's pbadivity in the face of declining reserves and the aforementioned violations is particularly worrying," they warned.

"The Frente de Todos continues to work on an alternative economic program that will allow us to regain growth, employment and exports.Our desire to dialogue and create a climate of tranquility for all Argentines is indisputable," adds the press release.


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