Lacunza said that the dollar purchase limit "is unacceptable"


Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza visited the program this Sunday evening Journalism for all (PPT), following measures announced by the Central Bank (BCRA), aimed at limiting the purchase of dollars to USD 10 000 per month for natural persons, delaying the deadlines for foreign exchange liquidation for exporters and limiting the acquisition currency for hoarding companies

The grievor described the initiatives as "unfriendly". "It may be that a parallel exchange rate appears, but it's an informal economy, it does not need to go to prices, "he said, given the possibility that, for example, the blue dollar once again becomes a prime location.

Among the measures adopted by the Government, it is noted that exporters they must wind up the currencies of its sales in the country and that all companies, not just banks, will have to request the authorization of the monetary entity to exchange foreign currency. "It's a capital control," Lacunza said.

"There is a reality we can not deny, from August 12 to here There was an obvious change. The country risk rose from 900 points to 2000. The dollar went from 45 to 55. It is not true that the Central Bank speculated on the order of the president, "replied the minister to Lanata, about the result Primary elections

People can buy up to $ 10,000 per month, and also convert this amount abroad if the account is from a third party. This was established by the government by a decree of necessity and urgency No. 596 of August 28th, communicated this Sunday. Lacunza explained that these measures "they communicated to the International Monetary Fund with the respective fundamentals "and stated that"the current exchange rate is already high. "

Before the consultations the journalist denied the possibility of a "corralito" and that there is an exchange of currency. Lanata also asked if the measures could progress in the near future, as for the Argentineans who decide to travel abroad, to which Lacunza replied: "These are not measures for a normal country."

"Argentina looks like a circle in which it returns from time to time to the same port.It is not the port we dreamed of, we would have to look at the causes.Now the challenge is to park the ship on the dock, whatever happens with the elections", the official closed, in view of the elections of October.

Behind the scenes of the interview

Hernán Lacunza before the interview of Jorge Lanata. (Photo:
Hernán Lacunza before the interview of Jorge Lanata. (Photo:

News in development being updated.


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