Lacunza takes over Treasury and Central Bank announces changes to tame the dollar


The arrival of Hernán Lacunza at the Ministry of Finance will open a new new stage of economic management national government, whose main objective will be to stabilize the foreign exchange market and eliminate from the dollar the volatility that he had last week after the defeat of the ruling party within the OSP.

After taking office, Lacunza will give a press conference in which he will explain his not to follow. Half an hour later, the President of the Central Bank will announce the Intervention capacity before increase of the currency.

But it will also be a day of meetings with the leaders of some of the most important production sectors of the Argentine economy. On the one hand, President Mauricio Macri will meet with government officials Agricultural Liaison Office and, on the other hand, the economic cabinet will face the oil provinces and businessmen of the sector, after criticizing the freezing of the price of gasoline.

The day will begin early with the takeover of Lacunza as the new Minister of Finance and will continue with a press conference during which he will explain the main guidelines of his leadership.

The government seeks to explain the scope of the package of measures which announced last week and that includes the removal of VAT on staple foods, the freeze in the price of gasoline, premiums for public and private sector workers, a lower relief of l & # 39; income tax and a benefit for UVA debtors setting the fixed amounts of monthly fees until the end of the year.

But as soon as Lacunza has finished his conference, the president of the Central Bank, Guido Sandleris, will give a press conference from 9:30, where he would announce new tools the monetary entity to intervene before the exchange rate increases. Even these modifications would already have the agreement of the International Monetary Fund.

The long weekend was marked by the departure of Nicolás Dujovne from the Treasury, the arrival of Lacunza to replace him and the multiple meetings of the fifth soldier of the head of state, Los Abrojos, and the residence d & # 39; Olivos. On Monday, a meeting with the entire economic team was held around noon and in the evening with political leaders of Juntos por el Cambio.

The President takes the floor and badures that the number one priority of his leadership is, for the moment, strengthen Argentina's link with the economy, as you might say

He said his weapons would aim to govern and rejected the fact that it represents a duality with being a candidate. It is understood that this comment was an indirect response to Alberto Fernández, who had stressed that he "could not live with both functions".

After the meeting, which lasted two hours, Carrió left the scene and, before consulting the media, stopped talking about the conversation. He only repeated a proclamation already heard: "We won in October". In this sense, at the executive staff meeting, it was ratified that Together for Change will be competing in the general election.

To face the months separating the country from the polls, a "Political Action Table", which will be composed of all the leaders present today. Its function will be to badyze the progress of the government and the campaign. They will meet on Mondays and It will be directed by Macri.

At the previous meeting, with the presence of Lacunza and Sandleris, discussions focused on ways to stabilize the economy. There was a special approach from the brand new minister where he talked about give governance For that, he pointed to the dollar and said you could not think of new measures like those announced last week.

Dujovne's replacement said it was essential to prioritize Market stability. Although the new minister spoke of "fixing the dollar", this does not mean that the Central Bank will do it, but that it will take steps to ensure that the exchange rate is at a price that serves as a reference. to avoid further climbing. .


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