Lacunza: There is no reason to withdraw deposits, but if people wish, they will be available on site


"We will all agree on the objectives: to reduce poverty, inflation and unemployment, that's what we wanted, but the challenge is to clarify how these goals are achieved," he said. underlined Lacunza in response to messages that he sent via social networks Alberto Fernandez.

The candidate for the presidency of In front of all Last night, in his social networks, he wrote: "The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange does not find a floor, Macri's economic model has led to recession, poverty and destruction of value in our most emblematic societies. lower in its history. "

He also added in another article: "We are going to stabilize the economy and get out of the recession, putting all the potential we have for the welfare of the Argentines once again".

This is what happened when Lacunza was interviewed in the newspaper "A24" and that the Minister of Finance took over the words of Alberto Fernández, without entering into controversy: "I am sure that if we make the list of the objectives of the spaces will be the same for everyone.

"I once spoke to Alberto Fernández a week ago.This was a cordial conversation before these exchange control measures.He put his economical equipment at disposal, then I spoke to Emmanuel Álvarez Agis, Guillermo Nielsen and Cecilia Todesca We do not share the same measures, but we understand that stability is a superior good, "he added.


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