Lacunza: We will not allow an irrational exchange


In statements made Wednesday on Miter radio, Lacunza reviewed that the nation and the provinces must strive to "offset the effect on the pocket of the exchange shock" of last week.

"The effort can not come from a particular jurisdiction, but it must be from everyone. We must take relief measures, we must all establish the accounts and corrections to make For the measures to be financed, the largest collection will guarantee the measures taken, "he said.

"We will not allow an irrational race, which is what the reserves are for" (Hernán Lacunza, Minister of Economy)

The new head of the Palacio de Hacienda also spoke about how his relationship with the MFIs: "I spoke (with the agency) Monday night.I communicated before taking up my duties.The program is still valid.Yesterday, I also made sure to meet the objectives. budget. "

"We will respect the annual directive, the agreement is still in effect, the IMF statement reflects this conversation," said the minister, adding that "I asked them for a few days to finish configuring the situation and describing the situation. next steps".

Yesterday, shortly after the takeover of Lacunza, the spokesperson of the Monetary Fund, Gerry Rice, said the agency "followed closely" the economic and financial crisis in Argentina and confirmed that "soon" would send a mission to Buenos Aires.

In this context, the official considered it essential to reach a "commitment to do everything to take care of the Argentines and the stability" of the economy.

"We live in a delicate, complex economic moment, like all the electoral periods in Argentina, there is no place for personal speculation"he stressed. And he added: "We must all be very careful and very sensitive."


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